V shaped Blades wtf??

do sativa dominant plants need more light? i got 5under a 400watt metal halide and it seems to be taking forever to sex it has been like 3weeks in
Ganja Guerrilla's Hall of Marijuana Plant Abuse

It is lacking some magnesium. The V shaped leaves are the early signs of this problem. If your ph is too low it will inhibit your plant's ability to utilize this basic nutrient. Even though it is not appearing in your other plants doesn't mean the problem does not exist as some plants (even same strain) are more aggressive growers and eaters than others in the same batch. Even out your ph first if the problem persists some cal-mag will solve the problem. Good luck.
Ganja Guerrilla's Hall of Marijuana Plant Abuse

It is lacking some magnesium. The V shaped leaves are the early signs of this problem. If your ph is too low it will inhibit your plant's ability to utilize this basic nutrient. Even though it is not appearing in your other plants doesn't mean the problem does not exist as some plants (even same strain) are more aggressive growers and eaters than others in the same batch. Even out your ph first if the problem persists some cal-mag will solve the problem. Good luck.

soil carries magnesium i sware your plants are gonna be dead if they green, not droopy no burn signs aint shit wrong with it my plant looks jus like dat damn
Hey ppl, as u can see in the pic, im getting v shaped blades on one of my plants, what do you think it means? any suggestions?

Obvious signs of over watering , can't you see the cells on that plant, the cell's are SWOLLEN man !!!!
:-PJust shittin you man , it's 420 + time here.
I am NO EXPERT , BUT I recall seeing a discussion ,or maybe reading about how the plant leaves will fold like that and bend towards the ground ,when they are over watered. Do you use a meter ? and are you on top of the watering thing ?
lol i get it,

and yes im on top of the watering, theyre not overwatered at all, im watering once every 6 days when pots r light, and theyre growin fine i was just worried about those leaves being a sign of a problem, but theyve been aight up to now, lets see what happens.. thanks though keep suggestions commin
its not hot at all, actually im worried it could get cold but im preety sure my temps r aight,
one cfl fell on a plant for a while one day, well on that plant, but that was going on before ...