
Active Member
For those few that don't know UV B & C especially C can do catastrophic damage to the skin and eyes read this.
Turn these HIDs off when you go in there. Those safety glasses unless of the highest quality specified made to block UVC don't block UVC and very possibly the only part of the UVB or no blocking at all. You may not know about the damage today but one day you do not want to say OMG. So consider Turning them off by remote or switch. Sun glasses only work on absorbsion without coatings radiation passes right though. C is radiation at 100 nm if it can burn up a virus in a short moment it can burn cells and it does not take long. Cataracts are caused by UV radiation killing the cells in the crystalline lens. Replacement of it does not always work.
hids put off such a small amount it doesn't matter u only have to worry about uv if u use uv bulbs and if u use them their only on for such a short amount of time usually I run mine less than a hour a day. uvc is produced by a special type of germicidal bulb that are expensive as hell the ones they use to clean hospitals u have no worry about uvc because their is no way u have it
100% I beleive I have burnt my eyes after only a couple months of using sunglasses I started getting this head ache and my eyes were in pain. And I have lost my night time vision a lot. What makes it worse is when using a reflective tent, all the light is reflected into your eyes. My eyes have not recovered in a year so I don’t think they ever will. I now wear a welders torch cutting mask with a shade 5 glass. I have a shade 8 but it is too dark. I wish I could find a shade 6...
if u want to use uvb go for it u can their are many t5 bulbs out their i just like using agromax for it and what ive used for protection for these uvb bulbs are method 7 glasses anytime I go in when their on I go fully clothed long-sleeved jacket and jeans that's if they were on
hids put off such a small amount it doesn't matter u only have to worry about uv if u use uv bulbs and if u use them their only on for such a short amount of time usually I run mine less than a hour a day. uvc is produced by a special type of germicidal bulb that are expensive as hell the ones they use to clean hospitals u have no worry about uvc because their is no way u have it
Do you see any results running just 1 hour a day?
I run a
6 hours a day @ 20" in 30 min cycles.
Do you see any results running just 1 hour a day?
I run a
6 hours a day @ 20" in 30 min cycles.
yes I do if I run more than that my plants fry I don't know how that comes to the agromax pure uv and they give no info on the bulbs soo plus clw is on the side of slug diodes so I don't trust what they say at all
yes I do if I run more than that my plants fry I don't know how that comes to the agromax pure uv and they give no info on the bulbs soo plus clw is on the side of slug diodes so I don't trust what they say at all
I know mine is 24w, but other than that they don't like to say much about the bulbs. I'm betting they're all about the same which is why they stay hush hush to charge us $60 instead of grabbing a $20 bulb from Petco...
100 nm is UVC
200 nm is UVB
300 nm is UVA

In the USA unless specified, no glasses block UVC because we don't have holes in the ozone layer

In Europe UVC protection is standard as is UVB & A

Nevertheless, I have checked glasses where the lab forgot to put the full depth of coating on the lenses to give adequate protection. It would not be out of the question for them to skip the UV coating entirely by mistake. This is why every single pair of glasses needs to be checked because they screw up a lot.

If you have adequate antioxidants (and some work better than others), the antioxidant will take the hit and not the cells in your eyes. No antioxidant protects you from C radiation.
As many bulbs as there are out there how can you be sure of their full spectral output, or how a shield might perform . A little C can do a lot of damage, now and later in life. But with good antioxidant intake it can make a lot of difference even to heal the damage.
Under normal conditions, sunglasses must absorb about 80% of the light outside during the day if you want to protect your night vision. This also must be checked because at 50 % its only a comfort lense .
A light pink tint on your night time driving glasses with antireflective coating on the front and back side of your lenses will improve vision. I have 22 coatings on my glasses front and back. On the back to allow the light bouncing of my coronia to pass out and though the lens because if not it becomes undefined light, slowing reaction time by at least 3 to 4 seconds. A 25 % absorbitive pink tint, its not a popular fashionable color but its the best color for night driving. They sell what ever you will most likely buy. And that's how it is everywhere, WTF, they just want your money you don't like hearing everything. I was fired a lot for telling people about shit like this. Turn off the lights or turn them down when you are in your tanning booths.
I know mine is 24w, but other than that they don't like to say much about the bulbs. I'm betting they're all about the same which is why they stay hush hush to charge us $60 instead of grabbing a $20 bulb from Petco...
And petco is expensive lol
Midiver, when you say reaction time 3-4 seconds, are you saying that is because of how long it takes for the light flashes in my eyes to go away? At night when I look at a bright light it stays there for a lot longer these days. I have to become a professional eye mover just to be able to see
UV -C light is in the 200 -280nm range,and I just installed 144w of it into my hvac,to control the pm in my flower room..it’s really bad for your eyes,but otherwise destroys bacteria,viruses and has certainly taken care of my pm outbreak..
Midiver, when you say reaction time 3-4 seconds, are you saying that is because of how long it takes for the light flashes in my eyes to go away? At night when I look at a bright light it stays there for a lot longer these days. I have to become a professional eye mover just to be able to see
To react to a car pulling out in front of you on a rainy night because the brain takes time to filter out the useless undefined light.
Midiver, when you say reaction time 3-4 seconds, are you saying that is because of how long it takes for the light flashes in my eyes to go away? At night when I look at a bright light it stays there for a lot longer these days. I have to become a professional eye mover just to be able to see
The amount of light that doent enter though the pupil is reflects off the coronea strikeing the back of the lense then nack into the eye. At this poiny it is undefined light, The brain must then decide what this light is saying to it. As this repeated effect happens many times and since light receives priority it takes time for the brain to disregard these reflections. If there were coatings on thst lense it would not reflect undefinded light back into the eye but allow it(the undefined light) to pass out of the lense away from the eye. Normal thought then returns and you can think Oh fuck Ill break for that kid dressed in that dark jacket walking in the rain.Or you think what did I just run over, oh f it, its raining like shit and Im doing 60 any way.
One thing to realize is these lamps use a filter chemical applied to the inside of the lamp. This cuts out a designed amount, not all, of certain spectrum such as UV-B or UV-C. If a metal halide lamp for example, did not have that filter then a sunburn would happen quickly. They actually make such lamps for UV curing of resins, you don't wanna have any exposure to those.

I had a batch of 1000w DE CMH lamps sent to me by the manufacturer that did not have the UV coating that cuts down but doesn't eliminate the UV spectrum. Tried these in a row and promptly roasted some plants lol. Even plants that were the next row over were effected where the test lamps hit them. The first warning sign is the leaves will get a waxy coating, probably the plant trying to protect itself. So if you see that develop while running supplemental UV then you need to back off some.

I do firmly believe in wearing some good glasses in the grow room.
Uvc destroys dna/cells. IF YOU expose this to your body or plants, it WILL KILL it.
Why do you think they use uvc SPECIFIC BULBS to sanitize PPE during the Corona virus outbreak and not uva/b.

Again PLEASE further educate yourself on uvc. Its NOT to be played with as it's an extreme type of light.

If you talk like this, you are risking others safety by spewing FALSE information.