Using used Roots Organic Soil for SS


Well-Known Member
Has anyone added used roots organic soil to their Super Soil mixture.

If so how would you suggest doing this. Should i use more of certain nutrients, since the nutrients in the soil have most likely been used up.

I'm only wondering because ive spent hundreds, probably thousands on roots soil this year and i dont want to just let it go to waste after this grow season.

Let me know what you think


Well-Known Member
I personally re-amend my soil in addition to making fresh batches. To re-amend first the soil needs to be solarized. now is perfect weather for this. make a mountain of soil to a depth of 2 feet. diameter of pile will be dependent on amount of soil you have. cover with clear .5 mil plastic and leave in sun for a couple weeks. ideally you will have a soil thermometer to check temp. from what i remember you need 120 degress to kill pathogens. from there re-amend with subs exact recipe. Water in with a proper a.a.c.t. to reinoculate with beneficials and let it sit. for the buffer just buy new roots to sit on top of the re-amended. or you can get creative and re-amend some of the used soil with the same ingredients/amounts they use to make roots. or use the used roots, as is, as your buffer, post-solarizing of course.

here is a link on solarizing:

Sir Stickybuds

Well-Known Member
I reuse my base(not roots) and add in some espoma biotone starter plus to add benes and ferts like a base soil starts out with. Its worked out better than ever by just reading the plants health, I have no used this as a base again for supersoil though, only as a veg mix.