using tomato compost soil????? will it hurt my plants??


Active Member
I just trasplanted for the second timr which will be the last and i have a section of my garden i been throwin tomatos and choppin up really super fine mixing in the soil making my own compost. Well i used this dirt 4 the transplant and am wondering if i made a good decision in doin so?? will all the acid thats in tomatos hurt my plants or will it help inrich the soil????.................


Well-Known Member
it could bring pests if it isn't fully composted into the soil. make sure to bury it a few inches deep if possible.


I just trasplanted for the second timr which will be the last and i have a section of my garden i been throwin tomatos and choppin up really super fine mixing in the soil making my own compost. Well i used this dirt 4 the transplant and am wondering if i made a good decision in doin so?? will all the acid thats in tomatos hurt my plants or will it help inrich the soil????.................
It will definitely enrich the soil, but only if it is totally broken down, FRUIT FLIES love rotting tomato, so if its not totally decomposed (composted) do not use it. A good experiment would be to cut up a tomato leave it on top of soil and I guarantee within 2 days natures clean up crews will get to work. Giving you a good idea of what they will be doing in your pot.


you need to let the fruit compost or rot befoe it can become useful to a plant, try throwing it all in a pile outside for about a year and then youll be money