using someone elses check to pay for card

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Does anyone think it would be a problem to send in someone elses check for paying for my card? I have a checking account, but I don't have any checks right now. I would rather just give my gf the cash for the fee, and have her write a check so I can get this in the mail asap.

Anyone think that will be an issue?


Well-Known Member
As long as you have her consent there isn't shit any of them would say I wouldnt think. I could be wrong, try a money order?


Well-Known Member
Other checks are fine. Belle has paid others fees w/ her check. It's the government, they will take it.


Well-Known Member
Can you get a certified check from your bank or credit union? I think I would try that or use a money order instead of someone else's check. Wouldn't want to give them a reason to delay it and take even longer than they already do.


bud bootlegger
like everyone else is saying, it should be fine m8.. just make sure that you write who the check is for, like a registration number or something like that that you may have .. or else just make sure to write your name down in the comments line on the check and you should be good to go..

Rare D MI

New Member
I've paid for most of my patient's certifications and renewals with personal checks. As long as the money is in the account, you're good to go.