using seeds for the first time


hey as you can guess from the title i will be using seeds for the first time, my previous grows have been with cuttings/clones. i have looked at a couple differant methods on the net as to doing it, so im just basically wanting to know which is the best way or most successful way of doing this , also at what height would they first be introduced to a light? i use a 600w hps light, would this be ok to use? also what is the earliest signs to spot a male?

thanks for any info

i soak my seeds overnight in water
put them into a papertowl, and get it wet.
roll it into a small cigar and put that inside a ziploc bag or wrap it with plastic wrap.
put the whole thing into a dry towel and put it on the tv box, we use our sateliatte box.

2-3 days you should start to see taproots.

i keep my 600 far enough away so the light dosent burn my hand and i have a fan going over the canopy.

As far as spotting a male, you can do it with time and experience but just starting out might need to wait till its too late.
i have mine in a two stage system, the first month or two are under a 250 HPS and after that or 14"'s they go under the big motha to finish.


Well-Known Member
Save some electricity and start them under a smaller light. Maybe cfl, keep the light close so they don't stretch. Use a blue white light and no fertilizer. If you put them under HPS it will skew the sex ratios to males.
If they aren't feminized half on average will be male. I plant twice as many seeds in clear plastic cups as I need. I do them all the same, rotate them under the light to keep things as standardized as possible. Then
when they are at the 6th node of so I toss out the ones which have the least root structure. Females put down more roots, males grow bigger and stronger. The last time I picked based on the nicest looking plants
I got all males.