Using saltwater fishtank (protien skimmer waste) to make organic tea


Active Member
I just have a couple of questions, I have a couple of hobbies one being gardening and another being a keeper of a fairly larger reef aquarium. What I was wondering if it is possible to enterlink the two together by making organic tea out of the fish waste, That is collected in the protien skimmer? If anyone has any ideas or a possible outlook on it let me know. Because right now it's just all going down the drain!:sad:


Well-Known Member
I don't really know, but I'd guess that the salts would not be good. (I'm assuming that they'd still be there in the sludge that comes out of the skimmer).


Active Member
Don't do it - salts would kill your plants. I had a large SW tank a few years back, and dumped the skimmer gunk in my back yard in one particular spot (obviously due to the fact I didn't want that stank in my house), and it killed the grass in that spot. Five years after the tank being gone, that spot is *still* barely allowing anything to grow.


Active Member
Thanks guys it was just a thought, ohh well... i guess it will just keep getting dumped down the drain lol! i did read somewhere online though that if you keep a small freshwater tank with goldfish & no plants that you can in fact use the waste at the bottom of the tank that gets siphoned out so i am thinking about getting a 10gal just for that reason. i would love to make my own fully organic ferts.:-P