Using Prefertilized (pre-nuted) Soil


Active Member
Hi I am a newbie with a quick question to the advanced and moderate growers, even other newbies any input helps. When using a prefertilized or prenuted soil like Miracle gro or Schultz, that come with fertilizer already added.

Do you need to fertilize or add any other nutrients thoughtout the whole process. Because they claim they feed for 3-4 months which is pretty much the whole growth process for most strains.

Also since these feed so long, if you only grow for 2 months which means all the fert in the soil is not used up. Can these soils even be flused to prepare for harvest, or is it not possible.

Also at the time of harvest with all the residual Fertiziler that will be left in the soil if flusing is not possible will the affect the smoke and taste of the finished product. I have heard that too much Ferts in your finised products will lead to a harsh smoke and a metalic taste.

Any imput from anyone will help To anyone that have used these types of soil to harvest. What are your opinions on the burning quality of the finised product.

I have searched this site for days with my problem but no answer if there is a thread or post on the issue already sorry for the repost, and can you please provide me with a link to those threads.


Well-Known Member
well the thing about those types of soils, is you dont really need to use nutrients through the grow however, cannabis requires different amounts of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Pottasium throughout the grow. When it is vegging it requires more nitrogen, and when its flowering it require more phosphorus.

I do not believe you can flush the nutrients out of those soils until the 4 months or hwoever long they are in there for. And yes you will get a harsher smoke if the chemicals are still in the bud.

For all these reasons I would not use these types of soils. If you are only limited to walmart they sell some soils that have no fertilizers in them, I would get one of these. Miracle Grow Organic is one of them.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
Becareful with the pre-nuted stuff... my first try at this I used soil with nutes in it and it destroyed my plants... nute burn on all of them... I switched to a Fox Farms soil and we're going gangbusters...