Using piece of wood for strength.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
I want to use a thin piece of wood to support during flowering, could you just ram a thin piece of wood beside the main stalk, and to the bottom of the pot? Without damaging the roots too much? Or would this be too my stress on the girl?


Active Member
I would place 2 sticks, one on either side of the pot or mostly on the opposite side of where it's leaning to and use twine to prop back up. Good luck ^_^


Active Member
well i wouldn't transplant a plant too late in it's grow..but if its not too late. transplant into sumtin bigger and get a bamboo stick and put it in the pot first and then ur plant and tie it to it bruh


Well-Known Member
I dont like doing this, driving a stake into the root system. Why dont u try a length of wire up high, then tie garden twine tied to the plant to the anchor wire.