Using peat pellets?

Why don't you put down the bong for a few minutes and try a little oxygen for a change, and see if that improves your reading ability? First, you're arguing with things I never even said (hint: the word "best"), and second, you're using one of the same points I'm making in order to disagree with me, and you're too stoned to even realize it. And then you cap it all by making up what you think I'm going to say next, and criticizing that.

And all this from the kid who earlier said -

So somebody posts an opinion different than yours, based on their own experiences, and you respond with smartass remarks and then go straight to misquoting them and insulting them. Which is it? Everbody's got their own experiences and opinions, or anyone whose experiences and opinions are different than yours is doing something wrong? You just having a bad day, or are you always this childish, illogical, and confrontational?

well, I was gonna sit here and point out the flaws in everything you said again, but it looks to me from your post after this one you finally got the point...but not once before did you say either works but I prefer said peat pellets work said you wanted to go against the grain and suggest not even using them...2 pretty different attitudes now, at least I am consistent, I did not say soil is better or worse

And yes, all this from the kid who said is still what I am saying...
you on the other hand were saying not to use peat pellets...instead of trying to figure out which medium would be best for his conditions you advise him to do it your way.

I in no way misquoted you...everything inside the quote boxes are exactly the way you wrote it. (hint quotation marks("") do not always mean it is a quote. I put best in quotations because you continue to say soil is better, it may be in different wording. I would never use them...they work ok...less forgiving...
why use?...

maybe you should re read all your posts...and maybe work on your literary skills so you can say what you mean...
If you wrote like you did in the last post before mine, then I would have no arguments...

"Whatever you're most comfortable with. Like i said, either works, but in my experience, I like soil better. Obviously, some people are more comfortable with peat, and it works fine for them."

and that is a quote from you...looks like something got through that thick skull of yours and flipped the switch.

I like to use a seedling mix like:
50% spagnum peat moss
40% perlite
10% worm castings if you have them
A little dolemite lime

Make sure your soil if its a store brand dosen't have time release fertilizers in it.

Using small plastic cups for germinating is very simple. Make sure you have a cup at least 4.5 inches tall. I use the 16oz dollar store variety. If you want to get fancy you can use the double cup method and use a clear cup inside and an colored cup outside, then you can check your roots without exposing them to light.

I use rain is so gentle compared to tap water.

Don't feed for at least 2 weeks...You want the roots to spread looking for food....not stop growing when the find it.

Take a small glass of water and soak your seeds for 24 hours, in the dark. Don't use the paper towel will tear the microscopic root hairs when you take them out of the towel.

If you have a ph tester, check a cup of soil runoff for ph. If you put 7.0 water in and your runoff is not too low then your good...if its dropping add a little dolomite lime. I usually need about 2 tbs.

Take your seed and set it on top of the soil ( don't fill the cup all the way to the top leave som room to water) Take a few pinches of soil and lay it gently over the seed so no light can reach them.

Use about a 40 watt flourecent tube light...not your high power light. Keep them on 24/7 for the first couple weeks or so.

There are 2 seedlings that I sprouted with this method. They are in grow in my signature
I hope some of this info helps :peace:

PS...I like the peat pods to clone...This method of seeding supposedly promotes more females. I have have to right now...i think both are females...they are just starting to show...i need a magnifying glass to see right now.
Whatever you're most comfortable with. Like i said, either works, but in my experience, I like soil better. Obviously, some people are more comfortable with peat, and it works fine for them. I find that soil gives you a lot more margin for error, and it's a lot easier to control the moisture profile in the medium. I also get better root system development in soil, and I find that plants I start in soil pots generally root out better when I transplant them outdoors, although that's not a universal truth - just something that's happened enough times that I've definitely taken note. These are all pluses to me, and outweigh any advantages I find in peat pellets.

Why not start some of your plants in peat and others in soil? See which medium you prefer, so you have some experiences of your own on which to base your decision next year. It's not like one or the other will be a total failure, and you'll lose every seedling in that particular medium - they'll both probably do fine, but you can take note of the differences and see which one you like working with better than the other.
Yeh i think i will try 2 germinated seeds into peat pellets and the rest(13) into soil.Because my first indoor grow was with soil and a clone so this is my first time from scratch and soil worked well for my last grow so iam not trying trying to pick sides who's way is better but i would prefer soil just from 1st time experience.
i do both. i soak seeds first in cup of ro water for 24 hours. then when they sink when i push them down with finger i put them into a wet soaked rr and put that into the soil. i put a clear plastic keg cup over the rr and keep it wet but not drenched inside. i have been growing 2 grows and maybe 20 expensive seeds and i have not lost one yet. As long as i soak.
sounds good 420, was not trying to make you choose sides...I just get annoyed when people say one is better than the other( I understand that both will work well, depending on the conditions supplied by the grower and the climate you are growing in). As I said earlier you will get many opinions... a lot of those will be better than my own.
maybe you should re read all your posts...and maybe work on your literary skills so you can say what you mean...
If you wrote like you did in the last post before mine, then I would have no arguments...

"Whatever you're most comfortable with. Like i said, either works, but in my experience, I like soil better. Obviously, some people are more comfortable with peat, and it works fine for them."

and that is a quote from you...looks like something got through that thick skull of yours and flipped the switch.

Boy, you just don't know how to shut up, do you? I might at least have a little respect for you if you just had the balls to take responsibility for acting like a 5-year old, but I guess that would be asking too much from someone childish enough to act the way you did in the first place. Your weak effort to save face just makes you look even worse, because if you seriously maintain there was anything substantively different between my initial posts and my later posts, your ability to read the English language while baked is even worse than you've already indicated it to be.

You misintrepreted and overreacted, so man up and own it. First rule of holes is, when you're in one, stop digging. Or... not, if you want to keep playing the class clown. I'm getting more of a chuckle out of you than you realize.
Yeh i think i will try 2 germinated seeds into peat pellets and the rest(13) into soil.Because my first indoor grow was with soil and a clone so this is my first time from scratch and soil worked well for my last grow so iam not trying trying to pick sides who's way is better but i would prefer soil just from 1st time experience.

Yeah, and that's one of the reasons I prefer soil all the way for my outdoor grows. I'm growing them in dirt anyway, so it's a lot easier just to grow them in dirt all the way. Just goes a lot more smoothly.
Yeah, and that's one of the reasons I prefer soil all the way for my outdoor grows. I'm growing them in dirt anyway, so it's a lot easier just to grow them in dirt all the way. Just goes a lot more smoothly.
Yeh i ended up putting 2 seeds that were germinated into peat pellets 2 days ago and so far one has sprouted so last night i put 9 more in pp last night and now i have 3 left to put into soil.
Boy, you just don't know how to shut up, do you? I might at least have a little respect for you if you just had the balls to take responsibility for acting like a 5-year old, but I guess that would be asking too much from someone childish enough to act the way you did in the first place. Your weak effort to save face just makes you look even worse, because if you seriously maintain there was anything substantively different between my initial posts and my later posts, your ability to read the English language while baked is even worse than you've already indicated it to be.

You misintrepreted and overreacted, so man up and own it. First rule of holes is, when you're in one, stop digging. Or... not, if you want to keep playing the class clown. I'm getting more of a chuckle out of you than you realize.

lol, I will let the ignorant teach...go back and pass highschool(and hopefully go to college)...If you leave room for others to misinterpret, that is a flaw in the way you express yourself...I do not have the time to try and communicate with someone who can only try to argue with my attitude, not the facts presented...Personally I don't care what you think about my attitude. I just hope you don't fuck up anyones grows...

This is funny lmao both ways work so why argue which one uses think is better but i would of started off in soil but couldn't find organic soil anywhere.But since the last 3 days if uses remember i put 13 seeds 9 northern lights and 4 mazar x afghan in a cup of water and they all germinated within 24hrs so today 2 days since i placed them in peat pellets they all sprouted besides 1 seed but that was my fault(dropped a seed on the floor trying to put into the peat pellets). So now does anyone know if black earth organic is any good for outdoor plants? and for transplanting my my babies into bigger pots?
Im a noob and have only one plant growing rite now but from clone. I got some 3 seeds and instead of germ first i just put them strait into peat pellets. Its been 3 days and not one has sprouted. Does it normally take this long to sprout? or am I assed out?
If you do it that way you can wait up to 12 days i would have germed them in the cup of water method then put in peat pellets.
Maybe not,if the seed didn't crack yet then just drop it into the water and it should germ within 2-3 days.