Using nutes during flowering


Well-Known Member
I have noticed that the leaves on my girl are getting yellow tips and some are getting brown spots on the leaves. I have looked under the leaves real well and dont see any mites and have no white flies. I am using botinacare pro bloom 1.5-4-5 each watering. 1oz per gallon. She has been flowering for 4 weeks now. Do you normally use nutes with each feeding or do you space it out? I have done alot of reading and havent found the answer to this question. Some places say its fine others say once a week. Does anyone know? Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
im no expert and this is my first grow and i also just started to flower but its only been 2 days.

but from what i understand a good way is using nutes for the first 4 weeks or so, then water for a week, then nutes until the last few weeks and then flush it with water.

again im no expert but i hear this is a good method. hope it helps. good luck


Active Member
im not using that brand myself ,.. but for sure do not start off will full nute amount on label ,.. no matter the brand still never use 100%,.. start about 25% of recomended amount,..then slowly work ur way up too full amount,..(IMO) skip nutes on the next watering time after nutes and observe,.. but i nute approx every other watering ,.. each plant is different actually some plants go 2 feedings only water then next time i add nutes (mandala),.. but i do not nute every watering that much i know,..good luck


New Member
my plants bulk up more trichs with plain water bud bud growth slows with fertilizer un-snowy buds shoot out everywhere.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I have noticed that the leaves on my girl are getting yellow tips and some are getting brown spots on the leaves. I have looked under the leaves real well and dont see any mites and have no white flies. I am using botinacare pro bloom 1.5-4-5 each watering. 1oz per gallon. She has been flowering for 4 weeks now. Do you normally use nutes with each feeding or do you space it out? I have done alot of reading and havent found the answer to this question. Some places say its fine others say once a week. Does anyone know? Thanks for your help.
If you are in soil outside, I water every other day and I feed every other week. In hydro you use a constant flow of nuted water. I switch to bloom nutes with higher levels of magnesium, phosphate and potassium (less nitrogen required in bloom stage) for flower cycle. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for your help. Since I am starting week 5 now, I am going to just feed water. If she looks like she could use a little help Ill just do 1/4 strenght. Next time around I am going to have a much lighter hand on the nutes. She is doing real well, I just see that I am stressing her out a little bit.


New Member
just use half strength of what the container says. if you only give her water youll starve her.


Well-Known Member
I flushed this afternoon. I normally dont have to water for 2-3 days. Do you think the next watering will be too early to do a half dose of nutes?