Using lake as a watter source

NEVER USE BLEACH, unless your goal is to kill everything. Good for cleaning and sterilizing, that's about it.

Are you kidding?

Do any of you use tap water?
Drink Tap water?

Chlorine is used to kill pathogens. Things that can do humans harm and possibly cannabis.

If you water with "city water" you are watering with chlorine. Which is what is in bleach.
I did say one needs to use the right amount to get a proper treatment per gallon or liter.

So the idea that this is "Bad" is foolish.

With "Lake" water who knows what things are in that water and what they might do to plants and or plant roots for example.
Adding bleach and letting that sit before use is wise. The chlorine will evaporate and that will leave safe water in my opinion.

I would error on the side of caution.

Also I was wondering what kind of lake this is. Not a good idea if there are farmland runoff draining into it.

ALSO: Edit:


You may not realise it but chlorine is classed as a plant micronutrient meaning that it is essential for the proper growth of plants. It is important to note though, that it is the ion (Cl‑) rather than the gas (Cl2) that is used by plants. In particular, chlorine is important for plant photosynthesis as it is involved in the opening and closing of stomata (pores in leaves that enable plants to take in and release carbon dioxide, oxygen and other gases as required. It also helps ensure leaves are firm.

Chlorine - Plant Problems

So let it gas off and you are good. Pathogens killed - water safe.
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The man is asking for input.

So there are things to consider.

Is this lake a natural lake? Is it a reservoir? Does it get runoff from farmland?
Most growers would not want to be applying pesticides and or other contaminants that may be carcinogens when the Cannabis plant uptakes.
Cannabis is famous for taking up heavy metals, chemicals and radiation. Hemp has been used to detoxify soil.

So in my medical growing realm I advocate not using dangerous to one's health soil, water and other chemicals.

I say all this as more input for @victoryou That's why they have asked question I am sure.
There are fishes that live in this lake sometimes i saw dead dogs thrown in it but i guess dead matter is good fertilizer right? Or i may be wrong because there could be bad bacteria from them???
My lake is 50,000 acres and very deep.
We are not talking about people's drinking water. We are only watering plants which we will mostly consume by smoking.
Smoking is the dangerous part, not watering with lake water. Many lake and river shore residents water their lawn, flowers and vegetables with water they pump directly for decades. Common practice all around the country.
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I should add that unfortunately alot of our ponds get posted either permanently or temporarily for high mercury so there’s that i guess…..
^^^. That part. Hows the biology of the lake?
That’s the answer to the all questions. If there’s a thriving ecosystem in and around the water supply. It’s probably better than your tap. This guy is a joke and prolly has never left the county before. Mexicos water supply is ass compared to pretty much any where else. So to say don’t drink the tap make me laugh historically. You can gas out chlorine but not chloramine. And iv waters with strait tap plenty of times. Is really doesn’t do anything at all that I can notice to my plants.

I swim in lakes. I swim in the ocean. I swim in rivers. I fish in ponds that have plants growing everywhere. Iv accidentally swallowed water plenty of time out the lakes and rivers and oceans iv been in. If the ecosystem is thriving. I think your garden will too!
Most plants can tolerate more salt (chlorides) then people may think.
there's no point in feeding a plant Na or Cl when there's better alternatives

is he advertising his bleach bullshit again? sorry I didnt read thread

there's no point in feeding a plant Na or Cl when there's better alternatives

is he advertising his bleach bullshit again? sorry I didnt read thread

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Did you even read the thread title to try to help OP out or are you just here to argue about things you don't understand?
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I would want to confirm that there was no chemical or heavy metal contamination, but I wouldn't be worried about anything biological. I don't understand why anyone would add bleach. Am I missing something? Unless you plan on spraying the water on the plants, then eating the plants raw there is no risk of getting sick from anything in the water, and the plants aren't going to become infected by pathogens uptaken from the water.
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