Using home ac unit for room?


Active Member
I have a small room and need ac with how high my temps are getting. So far I have air cooled mylights and that helped but i would like to be in the 74-78 degree area. One of the biggest battles of heat it seams comes from my dehumidifier, the thing just blows hot air. So here are is my question. I have a vent that goes in my room from my home ac/heating unit and i was wanting to add a vent to my room from this. Would this be possible with a sealed room running co2 or just a bad idea. I know I would lose some co2 but I would definitely not like my whole house to stink if at all possible. Let me know some ideas guys. Ps high temps are 90 during lights on.
Is it intake or exhaust for you havc? Personally I would say bad idea, if its intake during summer you will be adding heat to the system, if its exhaust your looking at the possibility of adding CO to your grow area (not sure how CO and CO2 affect each other) and you will also add heat during the winter. I'm sure you could do it but in my opinion I wouldn't do it too many things to go wrong.