Using Gen Hydro pH up and down in soil.


Active Member
I juts got my general hydroponics ph up and down test kit in the mail. i need some clarity on how to adjust the ph. do i water the plants with 7.0 ph water then test the runnoff? then if its too high/low how much do i add to the water? kinda confused.


Well-Known Member
Its made for hydro and adding chemicals to your soil can kill the beneficial bacteria, unless youre doing an all chemical go, then you dont have any bene's, so I doubt its good to use. But phing soil isnt that simple. Dolomite lime is the best ph buffer for soil.


Well-Known Member
Add dolomite lime to your soil mix and forget needing to pH anything. Organic or chems, doesn't matter.

Why do you think gardeners and farmers lime their soil, get the pH right, and then just get on with the business of growing?
