using expensive fertalizers is a waste of time and money + makes YOU look like a fool!

which would be my next question to the host of this fine thread, what's the lighting?

when i grow i use CFL's only and i stick with high kelvin , i think the ones i have in currently are 6500 possably 7000 and theyre 26 watt bulbs , i use 4 split on the end of a extension cord hung over my plants , which i have 2 of these 4 bulb cords!
once i tried to grow with low K rated bulbs ( i believe it was 2700 ) and the plants came out a lot skinnier and got way to tall for me! but when i use high K bulbs they seem to bush out and stay stubby!
There was this dude that swore by 10k kelvin(or was it 14k kelvin? dunno, some hamilton lamp) the whole grow, and then he'd flower for like 20 some odd weeks or some shit, crazy shit around here.
this is my testimony , that you absolutely do not need any of the over priced and over rated nutrients that people swear by day in and day out. its actually getting to the point where its aggravating me watching people pour so much money down the drain because they're trying to follow suit with other growers who claim that you must use these nutrient blends and ph adjusters if you want a good crop. im here to tell you that its complete bullshit. i myself grow indoors and have done so with great success using...wait for it...... fucking miracle grow. yup...that's really it. i use miracle gro ( all purpose ) 24-8-16 with whatever cheap micro nutrient i happen to get. and i only use the micro twice threw out the whole grow. i grow bag seeds and they turn out beautiful sativa dominant plants for me. i use cheap potting soil with no fertilizer in it. i use plain tap water and ive NEVER used any ph adjusters. i use my miracle grow by way of eye , i dont even use the measurements. and i always pull quality buds off of my plants.

24-8-16 and its boron is 0.02 copper 0.07 iron manganese 0.05 molybdenum 0.0005 zinc 0.06.
thats the miracle gro. its high nitrogen and has plenty of other nutes in their.

last but NOT least! , ive done side by side grows with miracle grow and high quality 3 part nutrients , general hydroponics i believe it was! and the difference between the plants was so small that it did not even come close to being worth the extra money i spent on the bullshit fertilizers.

im not telling anyone what to do but i wont sit silent and actually let these FOOLS tell people that using fertilizers that are marked up in price threw the roof will really make a huge difference. it will make a difference but it will be a small difference. if i can grow quality bud with miracle grow than you can also PERIOD.

If you use general purpose miracle grow (or any other urea based formula) in DWC, you're ultimately going to end up with a bunch of dead plants. At the most, you will get a very small yield. To make things worse, instead of looking for a fix to the nutrients, you'll be looking for a fix for "root rot".

Nutes are not nutes. There's a big difference between nitrate salt formulas and urea formulas.
If you use general purpose miracle grow (or any other urea based formula) in DWC, you're ultimately going to end up with a bunch of dead plants. At the most, you will get a very small yield. To make things worse, instead of looking for a fix to the nutrients, you'll be looking for a fix for "root rot".

Nutes are not nutes. There's a big difference between nitrate salt formulas and urea formulas.

if your growing DWC than this post was not for you anyways , this is for the novice soil grower that is about to get swamped with stupid ideas on what kind of stuff he needs to get nice plants.
this is my testimony , that you absolutely do not need any of the over priced and over rated nutrients that people swear by day in and day out. its actually getting to the point where its aggravating me watching people pour so much money down the drain because they're trying to follow suit with other growers who claim that you must use these nutrient blends and ph adjusters if you want a good crop. im here to tell you that its complete bullshit. i myself grow indoors and have done so with great success using...wait for it...... fucking miracle grow. yup...that's really it. i use miracle gro ( all purpose ) 24-8-16 with whatever cheap micro nutrient i happen to get. and i only use the micro twice threw out the whole grow. i grow bag seeds and they turn out beautiful sativa dominant plants for me. i use cheap potting soil with no fertilizer in it. i use plain tap water and ive NEVER used any ph adjusters. i use my miracle grow by way of eye , i dont even use the measurements. and i always pull quality buds off of my plants.

24-8-16 and its boron is 0.02 copper 0.07 iron manganese 0.05 molybdenum 0.0005 zinc 0.06.
thats the miracle gro. its high nitrogen and has plenty of other nutes in their.

last but NOT least! , ive done side by side grows with miracle grow and high quality 3 part nutrients , general hydroponics i believe it was! and the difference between the plants was so small that it did not even come close to being worth the extra money i spent on the bullshit fertilizers.

im not telling anyone what to do but i wont sit silent and actually let these FOOLS tell people that using fertilizers that are marked up in price threw the roof will really make a huge difference. it will make a difference but it will be a small difference. if i can grow quality bud with miracle grow than you can also PERIOD.

Yup cannabis specific nutes are overpriced snake oil some swear by it I did a side by side with Jacks Classic and laugh about dudes paying big bucks for AN and Dyna Grow. Many still won't change and swear by them feeding charts. But fuck Miracle Grow!! You enjoy paying Monsanto money?? Jacks is at least close to as cheap 4 pound tubs for like $20 bucks at and it even works great for legal plants.
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Yup cannabis specific nutes are overpriced snake oil some swear by it I did a side by side with Jacks Classic and laugh about dudes paying big bucks for AN and Dyna Grow. Many still won't change and swear by them feeding charts. But fuck Miracle Grow!! You enjoy paying Monsanto money?? Jacks is at least clost to as cheap 4 pound tubs for like $20 bucks at and it even works great for legal plants.

Since when is dynagro high dollar? Its very concentrated and a $15 quart lasts forever.
Is there a Miracle Gro subforum some fucking where on this site?
If not @skoalmint614 bug the fuck out of admin until they make one , it's legit. I understand your frustrations now!
Let's burn this fucking place down.
Miracle Grow from Scotts owned by Monsanto yeah good one dood!
@skoalmint614 I don't use miracle gro, but as you've discovered it works just fine.

The nutrients racket is the biggest ripoff in this industry full of them.

I went to an agricultural chemical supply company and got my custom mixed dry nutrients from them. I too pay pennies per gallon for nutes, and they're made according to my specifications. great bunch of people.

Tty I love you man. I usually just buy 25# bags of jacks professional 5-12-26 and then augment. Do you actually have them mix a custom blend or do you use the Chem-gro? It looks almost identical to Jack's formula, definitely cheaper though! And that's the best deal on liquid kelp formula I've ever seen!

Thanks once again for saving me some dough brotha!
once i tried to grow with low K rated bulbs ( i believe it was 2700 ) and the plants came out a lot skinnier and got way to tall for me! but when i use high K bulbs they seem to bush out and stay stubby!
Just so you know, tall spindly growth is from lack of light, it's not the 2-3k spectrum causing it. While 2-3k does stretch out branches a tiny bit more then the 6k does, it also makes slightly bigger fans and flowers.
Miracle Grow from Scotts owned by Monsanto yeah good one dood!

Monsanto does not own Scotts. Seriously, get this out of your head.

The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company is a publicly traded company and has the ticker SMG on the New York Stock Exchange.


From their website:
In 1998, Scotts entered into a collaboration with the Monsanto Company to bring the benefits of biotechnology to the multi-billion dollar turfgrass and ornamental plants business. Under the agreement, Scotts and Monsanto agree to share technologies, including Monsanto's extensive genetic library of plant traits and Scotts' proprietary gene gun technology to produce improved transgenic turfgrasses and ornamental plants.
There was this dude that swore by 10k kelvin(or was it 14k kelvin? dunno, some hamilton lamp) the whole grow, and then he'd flower for like 20 some odd weeks or some shit, crazy shit around here.
I can see how higher kelvin would work. Same as growing at higher altitude. I also had some interest in his 20-30 week flowering. I like those 20+ week sativa strains.

My interest in it is with the health properties. With so many cannabanoids I'm sure that letting cannabis flower so long might actually convert or produce new or different ones. I would like to see some testing withong grow times for medicinal purposes.

That said, the whole breeding different species of plants and alien talk was kind of out there.

Good ol rev thenatural....I miss that guy...sigh.
Monsanto does not own Scotts. Seriously, get this out of your head.

The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company is a publicly traded company and has the ticker SMG on the New York Stock Exchange.


From their website:
They work with Scotts so they are no better than Monsanto no need to work with a fucked up industry like that.