Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

The Secret Life of Plants

Double Slit Experiment

Crystal Properties

Pyramid Properties

The Ra Material

There's much science behind these... The fact is, quantum mechanics destroyed the predictable physics of the foundation of science. Intention changes everything. If you read or watch any of these links... Make sure you include the one called The Double Slit Experiment. I will be posting my grow soon... It'll have pyramids and crystals... But im more on the fun, experimental, adventurer side of life, and even if all effects i perceive are mental, they will nonetheless become my waking experience, making it real for me. Perception is just signals, if i can boost or alter my perception, my reality has just been altered. Skepticism is incredibly ironic to me in this forum. It's like arguing why our bodies produce dmt, and then trying to scientifically prove for or against the trip that ensues upon smoking it. Anyways, I'm looking forward to a colorful, wide array of reactions to my grow. Love to all. =P
"Quantum physics is claimed to support the mystical notion that the mind creates reality. However, an objective reality, with no special role for consciousness, human or cosmic, is consistent with all observations." – Victor J. Stenger, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Hawaii.

"Somehow the word 'quantum' manages to sound simultaneously mysterious and scientific, and so people attach it to things that they want to sound simultaneously mysterious and scientific, like diets and the power of positive thinking, or even theology." – Michelle Francl-Donnay
Ok so first, lol, it isn't a claim, it is fact. Objective reality and observation are all dependent on the object of observation. You observe as you perceive. Your perception is a choice. Not what you look at, but how.

And the second quote is just a useless observation of an occuring circumstance which exists amongst specific people. It makes no discernment, nor does it confirm nor deny or even provide an opinion on the correctness of described observation. Its like saying people with electric cars think they can race fast while saving the environment. It is an absolutely pointless arrangement of words describing a neutral reality while providing no argument or proposition... But yes. Thanks for that contribution.
Meditation alters DNA.

Organic life is most susceptible to quantum effect, as it has billions of micro connections which we can't see enough to solidify with logical limitations. Crystals vibrate, pyramids are a mathematical funnel of vibration of the earth. Make a pyramid out of sticks to the scale of Giza, put it above incense smoke, the smoke straightens and funnels to the center. But i think im done, il post my grow, we'll see what happens. Namaste. /\<3
Ok so first, lol, it isn't a claim, it is fact. Objective reality and observation are all dependent on the object of observation. You observe as you perceive. Your perception is a choice. Not what you look at, but how.

And the second quote is just a useless observation of an occuring circumstance which exists amongst specific people. It makes no discernment, nor does it confirm nor deny or even provide an opinion on the correctness of described observation. Its like saying people with electric cars think they can race fast while saving the environment. It is an absolutely pointless arrangement of words describing a neutral reality while providing no argument or proposition... But yes. Thanks for that contribution.

The arguments were in the link, the quote was an afterthought. Since you simply reiterated the claim debunked by the article, I'll assume you didn't read it, or perhaps you did, and didn't bother to fashion a response.

Organic life is most susceptible to quantum effect, as it has billions of micro connections which we can't see enough to solidify with logical limitations. Crystals vibrate, pyramids are a mathematical funnel of vibration of the earth. Make a pyramid out of sticks to the scale of Giza, put it above incense smoke, the smoke straightens and funnels to the center.

"It is an absolutely pointless arrangement of words describing a neutral reality while providing no argument or proposition"

You have linked to a press release that doesn't even name the study it's talking about. That leaves me with no way to actually see this information or examine the methodology. It amounts to "take my word for it."
The article debunked nothing. Lol it is saying that any sort of measurable change has never been observed of a quantum origin. Ummm... Dis you watch the double slit experiment video? It clearly demonstrates that the instrument which observed and measured the nature of the photons, forced them to behave in ways we currently agree to be possible/logical with our understanding of third dimensional reality. The observer has everything to do with the outcome. You can't pretend to believe something, you can't prove something to a skeptic. Their presence and observation will not allow it. Then there is the subconscious of the person which can prevent an "impossible" outcome. Plants give physical, electromagnetic signals, which have been proven to be triggered by thought or intention, and are synched unbound by space time. I will not sit here and hope to make anyone realize anything, lol its absurd I'm even taking the time to experiment or consider something with the intention of helping others. There is such a cling to the prevention of evolution that it boggles the mind. The plants were experimented on using lie detectors, the meditation altering dna was a legitimate recent scientific study, but it is of no use whatsoever to do any work for another in an attempt to show them how something may benefit them. What i don't understand is, why people take the time to refute something, rather than let it be or try to encourage it. Science and its "laws" constantly change, why are so many bravely guarding it as if it is the representation of their own being? Does it threaten you? Does it confuse you? Does it make you feel like losing this grasp will leave you with nothing to be anchored to? If no, then why not allow it to exist without your friction? Why not say that your completely skeptical, but look forward to the outcome? Why must you make it your mission to disprove something that is literally set out to reveal more information about what you are so convinced is not possible? Reactions like this is exactly why revolutionary secrets in technology aren't revealed to the public, why they naturally end up in private circles and communities. People will more readily fight for the old, than protect the possibility of the new. Lol this is what makes me want to not even post publicly any outcome, as the information would almost completely be put to waste. Lol my plants will enjoy a cozy little ecosystem, with crystals and pyramids, and i will be happy getting to know them. I will thank them for the sacrifice, and infuse their energy with mine when i smoke. I observe these approaches and their effects as beneficial, just as many observe their own diseases as obstacles through which to learn, and become free of their ailments. I wish that your imagination may one day lay way to magnificent things, because as it may be observed, all things were impossible until someone did them. Good day my friend...
The article debunked nothing. Lol it is saying that any sort of measurable change has never been observed of a quantum origin. Ummm... Dis you watch the double slit experiment video? It clearly demonstrates that the instrument which observed and measured the nature of the photons, forced them to behave in ways we currently agree to be possible/logical with our understanding of third dimensional reality. The observer has everything to do with the outcome.

The observer simply collapses the wave. The observer can be a mindless robot or sensor, no consciousness or life is necessary. If we can remove consciousness as a factor and still get the same results, then consciousness is not part of the mechanism.

You can't pretend to believe something, you can't prove something to a skeptic. Their presence and observation will not allow it. Then there is the subconscious of the person which can prevent an "impossible" outcome. Plants give physical, electromagnetic signals, which have been proven to be triggered by thought or intention, and are synched unbound by space time

This is the same way every quack, psychic and snake oil salesman have always responded to doubters. It's called special pleading. It suggests your particular brand of nonsense need not prove itself to scientific standards. That believing in a phenomenon is a per-requirement for proving it. It might be nice for you if science worked this way, but it doesn't.

"In essence, it is the arbitrary introduction of new elements into an argument in order to fix them so that they appear valid. A good example of this is the ad-hoc dismissal of negative test results. For example, one might point out that ESP has never been demonstrated under adequate test conditions, therefore ESP is not a genuine phenomenon. Defenders of ESP have attempted to counter this argument by introducing the arbitrary premise that ESP does not work in the presence of skeptics. This fallacy is often taken to ridiculous extremes, as more and more bizarre ad hoc elements are added to explain experimental failures or logical inconsistencies."

What i don't understand is, why people take the time to refute something, rather than let it be or try to encourage it. Science and its "laws" constantly change, why are so many bravely guarding it as if it is the representation of their own being? Does it threaten you? Does it confuse you? Does it make you feel like losing this grasp will leave you with nothing to be anchored to? If no, then why not allow it to exist without your friction? Why not say that your completely skeptical, but look forward to the outcome? Why must you make it your mission to disprove something that is literally set out to reveal more information about what you are so convinced is not possible? Reactions like this is exactly why revolutionary secrets in technology aren't revealed to the public, why they naturally end up in private circles and communities. People will more readily fight for the old, than protect the possibility of the new.

Wow, that is a lot of cognitive dissonance reduction going on there trying to explain why I don't believe. The answer of course is that if you show me real evidence, I will believe. The way science works is that it tries to falsify ideas, not prove them. Or, you could say it tries to prove itself right by failing to prove itself wrong. No scientific subject ever started out with belief, it had to be demonstrated. Should drug companies not have to prove their drugs work before they market them? Should airplane design based on aerodynamics not have to prove its safety before we offer commercial flights? Should genetically engineered crops not have to prove their worth before we implement them? Is it just your special idea that escapes criticism?

All you have done is explained the particular ways in which you have fooled yourself.

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I actually explained where my particular viewpoint stands, chiming in as i will also be implementing a study regarding the subject matter. I understand your world. Prove you love someone. Prove consciousness. Prove you don't need proof. I wish you the best...
The observer simply collapses the wave. The observer can be a mindless robot or sensor, no consciousness or life is necessary. If we can remove consciousness as a factor and still get the same results, then consciousness is not part of the mechanism.


This is the same way every quack, psychic and snake oil salesman have always responded to doubters. It's called special pleading. It suggests your particular brand of nonsense need not prove itself to scientific standards. That believing in a phenomenon is a per-requirement for proving it. It might be nice for you if science worked this way, but it doesn't.

"In essence, it is the arbitrary introduction of new elements into an argument in order to fix them so that they appear valid. A good example of this is the ad-hoc dismissal of negative test results. For example, one might point out that ESP has never been demonstrated under adequate test conditions, therefore ESP is not a genuine phenomenon. Defenders of ESP have attempted to counter this argument by introducing the arbitrary premise that ESP does not work in the presence of skeptics. This fallacy is often taken to ridiculous extremes, as more and more bizarre ad hoc elements are added to explain experimental failures or logical inconsistencies."

Wow, that is a lot of cognitive dissonance reduction going on there trying to explain why I don't believe. The answer of course is that if you show me real evidence, I will believe. The way science works is that it tries to falsify ideas, not prove them. Or, you could say it tries to prove itself right by failing to prove itself wrong. No scientific subject ever started out with belief, it had to be demonstrated. Should drug companies not have to prove their drugs work before they market them? Should airplane design based on aerodynamics not have to prove its safety before we offer commercial flights? Should genetically engineered crops not have to prove their worth before we implement them? Is it just your special idea that escapes criticism?

All you have done is explained the particular ways in which you have fooled yourself.

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Awesome post. It's gonna be difficult to refute any of these specific points...
I thought everyone has had AT LEAST one psychic phenomenon happen to them, and it gradually, naturally becomes more common and eventually understood as a sense. There is nothing i can say here that won't be attacked regarding this, but hey at least it brings naysayers together, so that's good.
Lol didn't know that thanks... I probably really should invest myself fully into replies rather than sharing random things i come across on my phone at work. Either way ill be posting my stealth box and grow, will have crystals, pyramids, lol even thought bout trying playing music with small speakers haha, also cool tube hps 150 and some cfl action. The first grow will be auto but i plan to at some point get clones of white widow for a controlled experiment. Thanks for everyone's input...
Jack herer auto has been put into rapid rooter then into soil. Waiting for sprout. Also i will rig up an electric fertilizer system when i get home. I will be starting a grow log after it sprouts, and am thinking of setting up an experiment box, strictly for experimenting with sound, crystals, electricity and pyramids. Lol. Guess ill need a mother chamber as well. Happy everything all! =D
Without a doubt the best post I've ever seen on RIU in years. Feels good and refreshing to know there are like minded individuals out there. Unlike those calling bullshit, I've done the same research and I've learned plenty enough about crystals to be really inspired to add some to the mix.

Thanks a TON OP! I'm going to order a Moss Agate pendant tonight :)
Mini Projector
Ya'll need some spirit science.

I feel sorry for the folks who are so close minded that they immediately dismiss and try to segregate and ridicule. No matter, I'm glad to know there are at least two others here on RIU who are on a journey similar to my own :)
Well! am challenging the growers who are already producing medical quality buds to give it a try and see what happens. If you aren't quite there yet, you could use all the help you can get! I am very excited for the rest of my crystals to arrive, given the positive reaction I have had from my plants in such a short amount of time.
This is pretty neat! Yesterday I played around and made a pyramid to hang over my bed since I was not sleeping well. Well I slept great! and the odd thing is that my Girl seemed to absorb all the negative energy it gave off. I understand belief is its own placebo but I really found that cool. Because she did not believe and I did.

Anyway very cool and I will be hanging pyramids in my grow room for sure! How many do you place around? And do you like to hang them or set them on the ground? As for the crystals, since pyramids make crystals "grow" would it be a good idea to place a crystal in the soil along with pyramids? Thanks!

I would love to see more results also
This is pretty neat! Yesterday I played around and made a pyramid to hang over my bed since I was not sleeping well. Well I slept great! and the odd thing is that my Girl seemed to absorb all the negative energy it gave off. I understand belief is its own placebo but I really found that cool. Because she did not believe and I did.

Anyway very cool and I will be hanging pyramids in my grow room for sure! How many do you place around? And do you like to hang them or set them on the ground? As for the crystals, since pyramids make crystals "grow" would it be a good idea to place a crystal in the soil along with pyramids? Thanks!

I would love to see more results also
if pyramids made crystals grow,

1: buy a tiny diamond
2: put it under a big ass pyramid
3: ????
4: profit.
pagan black magic.... dude has no idea what he is doing..

put your wegi board and crystal and pyramid trash down...