Using diatemaseous earth safer kind!


Well-Known Member
It works in veg for keeping bugs off your leafs.
You don't want to use it in flower. You can't get it off your buds.
They say you can use it in your dirt, but it turns to a clay like substance. IDK
It's Very hard and messy to apply.
People will eat small amounts of food grade diatomaceous earth to clean out there intestine trac.
If you buy the stuff at the gardening store It probly has other things in it besides diatoms.
You don't want to breath it.


Well-Known Member
I add it to my soil. It's not going to harm anything as long as you don't put too much; if you put too much it will become "muddy".
The food industry uses Diatomaceous earth as an "anti-caking agent" and that is why I use it as well; keep my soil loose. I suspect that as it breaks down it might also add calcium to the soil, but I have nothing to base this assumption on.

So, yeah. Use it. Like top fuel says, you can use it as an repellant for certain insects, but I'm not sure that it would benefit you as the bugs that usually attack cannabis probably won't be harmed by it. It works as a flea repellant because it gets in between the sections of a fleas body and cuts them up. I wouldn't bother with it for insects. You can, however, get wettable sulphur and use it during veg and a good ways into flower. I'd recommend giving the plants a good spray before harvest though, just to make sure all the sulphur is off.


I used it a few times because this guy at the hydroponic store recommended it to kill fungus gnats infestation that I had which so far I haven't seen any of the little buggers flying around any more so it does work an as far as using it and breathing it in I've heard that that's not good so always wear a protective mask. It won't do anything to the buds it is use to dehydrate insects it scraps their top shell off leaving them vulnerable. I just had to flush my girls tho because I went to water them and the water just stayed to the top and I think that from using maybe a little to much of it might've clogged up my drainage I also noticed the soil was pretty hard :( but she seems fine now hopefully she stays that way


I got some Food Grade DE (diatomaceous earth) at the local feed store and use it all the time.

Last year, leaf cutters cleaned up my entire crop, but no sign of them this year. A little dusting on the leaves occasionally and a sprinkle on the ground.

They say it's bad to breathe, but it's not like it's fiberglass or something. It's silica, which is pretty common in our bodies, so probably absorbed eventually.

Anyway, DE is awesome. I got no bugs on me.