Using co2 in the last 2-3 weeks of flower


New Member
So I was told by someone that co2 is pointless in the last couple weeks of flower because the co2 promotes growth and once the flower begins to ripen there is no more actual growth. He even went on and said he has tried both and noticed no difference in yield but actually seems like the nugs ripen better in the last couple weeks with lower co2 levels. The guy who told me this has been in the game for years and always has the best flower but i'm a little skeptical so I asked some others about this and he's not the only one who thinks this although most seem to believe more co2 always is better. Whats everyone think?
I run 1000ppm from flip to last 2 weeks. Then it gets dropped to 500, even 400ppm.

Thanks for the reply, That is exactly how I am running it, not that i know its best just took what i herd from different people and found a happy medium. Kinda surprised not more people had an opinion on this
900 in veg 1300 in flower whole flower. It does matter but the most important time to have co2 supplementation is first 4 weeks. Wouldn't say it's pointless
You'd have to experiment but Co2 counteracts Ethylene so could stop your buds from ripening properly in the last few weeks.
What would you do in a sealed room running perpetual?

I have a sealed room(s) and perpetually harvest. I dont exhaust or intake any out door air. The C02 is controlled 900-1500 ppm's for the 12 hours of flowering light all year every day.
It costs me 13 dollars per month for the propane refill. I have two c02 gens, in case one fails. One electronic water cooled and one pilot. if they both failed I'd have another that week. I've grown with and without c02 augmentation in and out of tents, sealed rooms, and a greenhouse. The difference is obvious in my experience. Some dont care surely.
Plants breath c02, they need it. they get fresh supply outdoors all the time. We cant move air like outdoors, so we increase the supply to make sure they have it at every leaf. Most would be surprised at how much c02 they expel whil eworking a few hours in the room, I notice it every time on the meter/cycles.

Our plants will grow to their weakest resource. I spent great efforts to be sure all the others are supplied, I wouldnt cheap out on any of them.
I have a sealed room(s) and perpetually harvest. I dont exhaust or intake any out door air. The C02 is controlled 900-1500 ppm's for the 12 hours of flowering light all year every day.
It costs me 13 dollars per month for the propane refill. I have two c02 gens, in case one fails. One electronic water cooled and one pilot. if they both failed I'd have another that week. I've grown with and without c02 augmentation in and out of tents, sealed rooms, and a greenhouse. The difference is obvious in my experience. Some dont care surely.
Plants breath c02, they need it. they get fresh supply outdoors all the time. We cant move air like outdoors, so we increase the supply to make sure they have it at every leaf. Most would be surprised at how much c02 they expel whil eworking a few hours in the room, I notice it every time on the meter/cycles.

Our plants will grow to their weakest resource. I spent great efforts to be sure all the others are supplied, I wouldnt cheap out on any of them.

I have a sealed room(s) and perpetually harvest. I dont exhaust or intake any out door air. The C02 is controlled 900-1500 ppm's for the 12 hours of flowering light all year every day.
It costs me 13 dollars per month for the propane refill. I have two c02 gens, in case one fails. One electronic water cooled and one pilot. if they both failed I'd have another that week. I've grown with and without c02 augmentation in and out of tents, sealed rooms, and a greenhouse. The difference is obvious in my experience. Some dont care surely.
Plants breath c02, they need it. they get fresh supply outdoors all the time. We cant move air like outdoors, so we increase the supply to make sure they have it at every leaf. Most would be surprised at how much c02 they expel whil eworking a few hours in the room, I notice it every time on the meter/cycles.

Our plants will grow to their weakest resource. I spent great efforts to be sure all the others are supplied, I wouldnt cheap out on any of them.
100% agree huge difference stem thickness, leaf size thickness, growth rate and buds stack quick as hell if properly run
I didnt want to like c02, believe me. would have slept better without it. I dont even think much about it anymore but the idea of an open flame in my very private garden concerned me for a bit, all good now.
Like you said ^^^ these are some of the things I notice too. Its an overall observation. the hotter the room gets the more a plant uses. healthier plants use more than unhealthy ones. I dont experience an of the problems I read gardens without c02 augmentation, could be other reason too, but..)
I know people using c02 have battled mites too, but not me....I have never had mites growing since 2008. my rooms are not sterile, in fact they are dirty floored at the moment. I never use mite killer or pest strips etc. I feed pro mix organically, water with natural spring water, light with hid's in flower. C02 for the win!
well, outdoors I notice the c02 generator shuts off right about the time apples are ripe, sooooo.....:wall:
Well, since you had to have a smart ass reply let me explain to you, i keep my room at 1500ppm, 4-5 times outdoor co2 levels, so what i didnt think i would have to explain is, in the last weeks lower my rooms co2 levels to "outdoor co2 genertor" levels
Ok i think some people didnt read what i was asking. the question wasnt weather co2 helps with growth, health and yield because i 100% agree it does but in the last 2 weeks the plant does not grow...
dont lower anything but your nutrients in the last weeks for best results.
I was just ribbin you man. like, "you heard on the net stuff"....
your 1500 is exactly where mine is kept, full time when lights on, right to the end.

water too, might be useless, because it promotes growth too , in the late stages of maturity?(sounds internet silly to you?)
c02 is what plants breath, even when they have no buds on them, even when they're ready to be harvested
