Using bene bacter 2 contr pm. but any 1 use systemic?

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I am using serenade to control pwder mildew. It works. But it is a lead fixer. As in it comes back and some leaves have to be cut. I am about to throw my most prized posseion into flower. Lavender. She is in an 18 gallon dwc. I want her to be big Big BIg BIG!

So, lol, my twitter addicted as has pried myseld from my itouch to ask you guys if you ever tried using a rose control systmic while a big girl is in veg? I mean the bottle says 6 weeks which prob means 5 and maybe by the time I harvest my 8-9 week plant it will be clean. I plant to flush anyway for a week with plain water.

I am big on clean and previous was organical. Now I am mineral gh and that is good enuf for me and the astronauts.

But anyone have anyexperience? There is a bottle of some 60 dollar ew20 for edibles that is a systemic. But 15 dollar bayer three in 1 looks awesome. Has bug, fungus, and feeds a hefty foliar feed.

Dont bash me with my idiocy over the poison. I just want to here some more about it for fun peeples. :hump: