using an air stone to improve water for soil grow?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried putting an air stone in a bucket of water used for watering a soil grow? I just was thinking of trying this to see if it would help the roots get more oxygen. I already use aurora's version of air pot. Its a fabric pot. And I use roots organic potting soil as my base so my plants are getting good oxygen but I think it may be even better if I treat my water with an air stone. any thoughts? Im growing amnesia auto from dinafem


Active Member
Well, I used to mix my nutes in a 5 gallon bucket and use tap water and throw an airstone in there overnight....supposedly helps remove chlorine, gives more oxygen to water and keeps it from getting stagnant, stabilize PH....I couldn't tell you if it helped as far as growth goes, I assume it didn't hurt. Since I have upgraded to RO water system an haven't bothered going through that step. I do like the fabric pots.


Well-Known Member
i have an 18 gallon water res in my basement as a water storage. its hard to go up and down my basement steps all the time for water. i have big dual outlet air pump with 2-5" air stones. i usually keep them both in my water res going 24/7, and i have a 5 gal water jug i fill up when my res is 1/2 gone and i put one of the 5" air stones in there to bubble. im still dialing in ph'ing my 5gal jug with out always adding a little, then testing. out the tap is 8.0 ph, but 103ppm.


Well-Known Member
I use a drip system that is manual. I put all my water/ nutes (ph to 6.5) into a 5 gal bucket and let an airstone run fora half hour before turning the spigot on. My pkants seem happy, though I can't say for certain they would be any diff if I didn't.