using a dehydrator for shrooms


Well-Known Member
hey all, since im on prob. i havent been able to smoke bud, which is pretty horrible. so i got some spores again and i have them colonizing, but i was wondering if i use a heated dehydrator ( small plastic racks with a heating element in the bottom) if it would hurt the shrooms potency? last time i just ate them wet and it worked great i just didnt care for the taste. what do youguys think?

Shpongle Spores

Active Member
Heh...that's one of those things that some people will say will affects the potency, but others will say it won't. As long as temps aren't getting above 130-140 F then I personally think you're playing it safe, cause even a little higher than that and i doubt you'd notice. upwards of 180 though you may notice something. But hey, what do I know. I've never actually done an experiment to test any of this...


New Member
There's a lot of misconception about this, the chemicals in shrooms break down in fairly high temperatures. That being said you can get some pretty cheap dehydrators that have temperature gauges on them and you probably want to have the temp set to 80-90F depending on how low yours goes. Mine goes down to 85F and I don't notice any loss in potency.