Using a Carbon Scrubber For Pot Smoke?


Well-Known Member
I've seen some good looking self made carbon scrubbers and I was just wondering....if I hooked a little fan up to a tube,then the tube to the scrubber....would I be able to blow pot smoke at it and have it eliminate at least some smell??Would it be worth it trying?


Well-Known Member
I have done this successfully when blowing smoke threw my carbon scrubber
Roor even makes quality bongs using carbon in one of the chambers to eliminate odors


Well-Known Member
Figured as much,thanks for the reply,makes me a little more confident its not gonna be a waste of time/money...


Well-Known Member
That would be inconvient...i just wanna have a small oscalating fan sitting around the top of the room and whatever smoke goes in that direction gets sucked into it.It makes perfect sense to me...and if I were to do that why not just use a fuckin paper towel roll and a bounce sheet...??


Well-Known Member
That would be inconvient...i just wanna have a small oscalating fan sitting around the top of the room and whatever smoke goes in that direction gets sucked into it.It makes perfect sense to me...and if I were to do that why not just use a fuckin paper towel roll and a bounce sheet...??
if you were a glass blower you could implement the carbon into the piece you make. Like roors carbon bongs. You could use a bounty sheet as a scrubber just not nearly as effective. All that does is mask the smell a bit. The activated carbon neutralizes the smell completely.


Well-Known Member
what i used to do when i was in high school was made my version of this.

1. get a toilet paper/paper towel/wrapping paper cardboard tube and a box of good dryer sheets
2. rubberband 2/3 sheets on the end, and make sure to do it tight!
3. Stuff the rest of the tube with sheets
4. Take a hit
5. Blow through the open end of the tube, and out comes flowery freshness

but always do this somewhere where you can open a window as it still has a lingering effect sometimes


Well-Known Member
I"m not trying to hide the smoke from anyone or anything like that.I just have a lot of people here all the time,smoking cigs and a lot of pot.It makes a CRAZY amount of dust everywhere from i guess the smoke settling.All i'm trying to do is have something that will filter the smoke a little,for cheap.Just gonna place it somewhere near where we smoke see if it helps.


Well-Known Member
the only thing would be a sit down air freshener or a stationary carbon scrubber that would suck in the smoke and smell. Doable, just need a muffin fan or something to suck the air threw the scrubber. When completed it could sit on a desk or table or whatever.
-Mister Nice GUY