Username Issue...


Well-Known Member

I read on a thread that it isn't possible for a username change as it is a rule, but it said on that thread that a mod can help me in doing so if my username is the same as my email. I've been getting spam about a month after joining rollitup and have gotten fed up with it... I would be very appreciative if you help me with my problem. Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
I experienced problems of a different sort, and also asked about name change or deleting account, and my understanding is, it's not possible.
I may be mistaken, but that was my understanding.
As far as spam after joining this site, I don't believe it is directly linked with this.
I have had no more spam than usual since joining, and have not heard anybody else complain either, so maybe your stuff coming in is from other sites you visited while searching the day you found us.
PS, welcome. (I'm an ex-Californian, used to live about 20 minutes north of you)


Staff member

I read on a thread that it isn't possible for a username change as it is a rule, but it said on that thread that a mod can help me in doing so if my username is the same as my email. I've been getting spam about a month after joining rollitup and have gotten fed up with it... I would be very appreciative if you help me with my problem. Thanks in advance!
i dont think the spam is directly a result of joining, because your email is hidden so somehow that spam would have to go through every persons account on here and then try their username with different variations like

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]