User Ranking System


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! omg, mogie i love you. you have made my sig!!!

BITCH slapped!!! :mrgreen:

on a more serious note. fdd did not display racism. the person who left is, imo, a racist.

don't worry fdd, you have a very valid point. illegal immigrants do not pay taxes, and should not be allowed to take advantage of our system. it is destroying the economy in all ways shapes and forms. thousands of jobs a day are being lost due to shut downs of companies that go out of biz, because they can't compete with illegal wages.

i work with a paint crew, i hear the guys talk about this issue all the time. the labor prices have been more than cut in half because of illegal immigrants. people are living in poverty because of it; taxes make poor folk poorer, and keep the rich rich.

i think there will soon be a civil war or national uprising or something; the world is in turmoil.

i'll stop now, before this goes from political to spiratual.... that is one i won't argue about.

congratulations mogie!!!



Well-Known Member
it's not racism, i'm just dumb (faded at the time) and wanted to leave this forum and join another one, plus is see videoman there



Well-Known Member
ew rap, if you rap, bad things start to happen, usually your pants start getting too big and sagging down, polo shirt turns into an XXXXXL white Tshirt, and lots of fake gold necklaces adorn your neck, you will lose your job and be forced to hustle crack, prostitutes, or recycle cans. Don't do it! work on your english and grow marijuana!
thats funny but true shit beaner :)


Well-Known Member
I have a question. If you were just on the other side of that river and you knew you could find work and feed your family on the other side of that river what would you do?
This argument goes on all around the world folks. The same sterotypes are used and only the name of the group changes. My wife and I have hosted High School Foriegn exchange students and supervised for other host family from all over the world. My wife's favorite all time student explained to here what was bad about East Germans and those Southern Germans and the gooddam lazy turkish immigrants. He doesn't agree with the views of his peers.
The boy we had from Azerberjan a former Soviet state, said he went to school one day and was told he must now hate the Armenians. His best friend and next door neighbor is Armeninian.
Our Turkish boy explained why they hate the lazy Greeks. Our Brazilian boy explained why the people in the flavella's are just lazy and dumb. Thomas lives in a "Gated Community". I don't remember for sure but I think they have a husband and wife team for gardening and housekeeping. They have been with them for like 20 years and still get thier possesions searched at the gate every day.
People are people where ever you go. Do not form your opinions based on a limited knowledge of the people.
One thing to keep in mind when US citizens complain about what any group is taking from us, like we should have an exclusive right to it. We have 5% of the world's population and we consume 75% of the world's goods. Seems a little out of balance. Do you really wonder why folks would break the law to come here?


Well-Known Member
breaking the law to come here is one thing, breaking the law after you get here is another. this includes taxes. Federal, State, Social Security, Medicare,... that's all i want to see taken care of. pay your taxes, either that or pay me under the table.


Well-Known Member
Believe me, if these illegals could have some type of temporary legal status they would be glad to pay the taxes even if this didn't give them any rights to benefits of the programs. Since they are here illegally they are subject to abuse. What can they do if they get mugged and thier illegally earned pay taken who can they complain to. If thier employer decides not to pay the full amount for thier work who do they complain to. I remember a few years back they set up some kind of a program to let them put money in banks and open accounts for checking and savings. Seems like a lot of money was deposited.

trailer park guy

Well-Known Member
Believe me, if these illegals could have some type of temporary legal status they would be glad to pay the taxes even if this didn't give them any rights to benefits of the programs. Since they are here illegally they are subject to abuse. What can they do if they get mugged and thier illegally earned pay taken who can they complain to. If thier employer decides not to pay the full amount for thier work who do they complain to. I remember a few years back they set up some kind of a program to let them put money in banks and open accounts for checking and savings. Seems like a lot of money was deposited.
I just jumped on this post to find out about the ranking system.

Funny how fast the subject can change and how fast it can end when someone gets you to look at it with a compassionate and common sense point of view.