useing outdoor soil for indoor grow????


Well-Known Member
i need some help here. I have an indoor grow, but due to limited resources reight now i don`t have enough "good" store bought potting soil, but i really need more soil for my grow. I was wondering if i could just dig up some soil from outside and put it in my containers? seems reasonable to me but i really need some input here, beacuse i have heard good and bad things about useing non sterile soil. can anyone please help, i am in the dark on this.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I personally would not jepordize my grow by possibly introducing pests in this manner. Spring for good dirt - it will pay off in the long run.


Well-Known Member
I tried that once had enuff good dirt for all plants
except 2 and they both died from a fungal attack
on the roots,by the time i noticed it,it was too late:(
u could do this but i would spread out the soil on my cookie sheets and bake it for 6 hours at or buy good pottin soil which seems more reasonable


Well-Known Member
Good iidea,maybe using a boiling mild bleach solution would work,too
then flush the hell out of it afterwards!!!!


Global Moderator
Staff member
Sterilizing soil in an oven works but be ready to evacuate - it STINKS to high heaven and has pretty substantial linger factor too.
Just spring for the dirt, you'll be much better off in the long run.


Well-Known Member
i will relate my experience, i did just this in trying to rescue a plant that was getting cooked in MG Moisture Control soil
i'm experienced at outside grows, used to do a lot of them years ago
so with my practiced eye i took some outside dirt that i know would have worked well in an outside grow
well, it finished off my plant big time, my point here is what works outside doesn't necessarily work inside
for a couple of bucks, you should be able to get some better soil mix, from lowes, home depot, or chain store of your choice
If you want to make your own soil mixture, you can use this recipe: Mix two parts moss with one part sand and one
part pearlite or sponge rock to each four gallons of soil. Test your soil for pH with litmus paper or with a soil testing
kit available at most plant stores. To raise the pH of the soil, add ½ lb. lime to 1 cubic foot of soil to raise the pH one
point. If you absolutely insist on using dirt you dug up from your driveway, you must sterilize it by baking it in your
oven for about an hour at 250 degrees. Be sure to moisten it thoroughly first and also prepare yourself for a rapid
evacuation of your kitchen because that hot soil is going to stink. Now add to the mixture about one tablespoon of
fertilizer (like Rapid-Gro) per gallon of soil and blend it in thoroughly. Better yet, just skip the whole process and
spend a couple bucks on some


Well-Known Member
thankis for all the help dudes, i will just buy more potting soil. the only reason why i was even consitering it is because i spent a shit load of cash on more then a few bags of fox farm`s ocean forest potting soil, but it isen`t enough for my big grow and the only thing stoping me from starting a new grow cycle is more soil, so you guys can see my delima, but i will just wait anouth 2 weeks till i can get more cash and just start it a little late. thanks again, you guys are awsome for the quick replies.:blsmoke: