Useful Seeds

MAN !!!!! It is so comforting to know that I have you all in my corner !!!! Things have been a bit chaotic with this whole move, but I got this. I have procured a place to live, and a couple few secondary grow spots as well. It was brought to my attention by one of my supporters that there was talk about me being done/retiring on some pages somewhere. That is simply not the case. I plan on doing this until I take the ole dirt nap so to speak. As a matter of fact, I plan on kicking it up a notch.

Also, it puts a smile on my face and warms my heart to see our page still rolling along. Although I haven't been here with you all, I still pay the advertising fees to keep our page available.

Next week at some point will be the final trip to complete the move. I must admit that is gonna be a nail biter.......28 mother plants goin through 5 states. But I will go by the old rule, NEVER break two laws at the same time !!!!! No speeding, obey all traffic laws ect.

In short, considering everything that has transpired, I am doin alright. I now have my head up high, my eyes pointed straight forward. AND, I have some stuff set aside to help us/me get back to some sort of normal. Not by way of a drop, but some gifts like I used to do. Random free stuff here and there. Stay tuned !!! And I thank you all for the well wishes and continued support. There is so much more I want to say, but I will hold that in and use it as my motivation.

Your friend
MAN !!!!! It is so comforting to know that I have you all in my corner !!!! Things have been a bit chaotic with this whole move, but I got this. I have procured a place to live, and a couple few secondary grow spots as well. It was brought to my attention by one of my supporters that there was talk about me being done/retiring on some pages somewhere. That is simply not the case. I plan on doing this until I take the ole dirt nap so to speak. As a matter of fact, I plan on kicking it up a notch.

Also, it puts a smile on my face and warms my heart to see our page still rolling along. Although I haven't been here with you all, I still pay the advertising fees to keep our page available.

Next week at some point will be the final trip to complete the move. I must admit that is gonna be a nail biter.......28 mother plants goin through 5 states. But I will go by the old rule, NEVER break two laws at the same time !!!!! No speeding, obey all traffic laws ect.

In short, considering everything that has transpired, I am doin alright. I now have my head up high, my eyes pointed straight forward. AND, I have some stuff set aside to help us/me get back to some sort of normal. Not by way of a drop, but some gifts like I used to do. Random free stuff here and there. Stay tuned !!! And I thank you all for the well wishes and continued support. There is so much more I want to say, but I will hold that in and use it as my motivation.

Your friend
MAN !!!!! It is so comforting to know that I have you all in my corner !!!! Things have been a bit chaotic with this whole move, but I got this. I have procured a place to live, and a couple few secondary grow spots as well. It was brought to my attention by one of my supporters that there was talk about me being done/retiring on some pages somewhere. That is simply not the case. I plan on doing this until I take the ole dirt nap so to speak. As a matter of fact, I plan on kicking it up a notch.

Also, it puts a smile on my face and warms my heart to see our page still rolling along. Although I haven't been here with you all, I still pay the advertising fees to keep our page available.

Next week at some point will be the final trip to complete the move. I must admit that is gonna be a nail biter.......28 mother plants goin through 5 states. But I will go by the old rule, NEVER break two laws at the same time !!!!! No speeding, obey all traffic laws ect.

In short, considering everything that has transpired, I am doin alright. I now have my head up high, my eyes pointed straight forward. AND, I have some stuff set aside to help us/me get back to some sort of normal. Not by way of a drop, but some gifts like I used to do. Random free stuff here and there. Stay tuned !!! And I thank you all for the well wishes and continued support. There is so much more I want to say, but I will hold that in and use it as my motivation.

Your friend
Oh I'm about to cry now!!! The Unicorn has appeared!!! Hallelujah!!! Hahaha!!!
MAN !!!!! It is so comforting to know that I have you all in my corner !!!! Things have been a bit chaotic with this whole move, but I got this. I have procured a place to live, and a couple few secondary grow spots as well. It was brought to my attention by one of my supporters that there was talk about me being done/retiring on some pages somewhere. That is simply not the case. I plan on doing this until I take the ole dirt nap so to speak. As a matter of fact, I plan on kicking it up a notch.

Also, it puts a smile on my face and warms my heart to see our page still rolling along. Although I haven't been here with you all, I still pay the advertising fees to keep our page available.

Next week at some point will be the final trip to complete the move. I must admit that is gonna be a nail biter.......28 mother plants goin through 5 states. But I will go by the old rule, NEVER break two laws at the same time !!!!! No speeding, obey all traffic laws ect.

In short, considering everything that has transpired, I am doin alright. I now have my head up high, my eyes pointed straight forward. AND, I have some stuff set aside to help us/me get back to some sort of normal. Not by way of a drop, but some gifts like I used to do. Random free stuff here and there. Stay tuned !!! And I thank you all for the well wishes and continued support. There is so much more I want to say, but I will hold that in and use it as my motivation.

Your friend

Good to hear from you and know all is well!

I'm sure between the crew here we could arrange lead cars and spotters to get you through. Heck, I'm sure a few of us would run lead car for the complete trip.

Two law rule is a good one, I'm a squirrel and would like a backup/contingency play. If plants are in a trailer and original tow vehicle has an issue, lead unit can grab trailer and keep going in case a friendly Leo wants to help the stranded motorist.
MAN !!!!! It is so comforting to know that I have you all in my corner !!!! Things have been a bit chaotic with this whole move, but I got this. I have procured a place to live, and a couple few secondary grow spots as well. It was brought to my attention by one of my supporters that there was talk about me being done/retiring on some pages somewhere. That is simply not the case. I plan on doing this until I take the ole dirt nap so to speak. As a matter of fact, I plan on kicking it up a notch.

Also, it puts a smile on my face and warms my heart to see our page still rolling along. Although I haven't been here with you all, I still pay the advertising fees to keep our page available.

Next week at some point will be the final trip to complete the move. I must admit that is gonna be a nail biter.......28 mother plants goin through 5 states. But I will go by the old rule, NEVER break two laws at the same time !!!!! No speeding, obey all traffic laws ect.

In short, considering everything that has transpired, I am doin alright. I now have my head up high, my eyes pointed straight forward. AND, I have some stuff set aside to help us/me get back to some sort of normal. Not by way of a drop, but some gifts like I used to do. Random free stuff here and there. Stay tuned !!! And I thank you all for the well wishes and continued support. There is so much more I want to say, but I will hold that in and use it as my motivation.

Your friend

Reminds me of one of my old man's favorite sayings "never break small laws when your breaking big ones".

Good to hear from you captain! Looking forward to whatever you cook up next. That Chocolate Diesel pollens already gone to good use by the way!
Ahoy Captain.... keep fighting the good fight!!

I still have some Captan Useful Magic beans for sale!

Save money! Limited time. $49 per pack plus freebie Christmas tree preservation pack.

Priced to sell!
1st come 1st serve.

Lucky Lime ( reg)
Bluberries & Orange (fem)
Double Dip Strawberries. (gem)

1st few packs sold ONLY $49 W FREE SHIP.
PLUS Christmas Tree freebie.

THEN BACK TO $60 +5 per.

Other RARE strains include:
Black Cherry Doda x Ancient OG
Moondog F2

Also multi pack deals posted on INSTAGRAM.

I have posted on IG some of Useful top notch genetics.
ALL come with #christmastreestrain #freebies

On IG. @ganjakarma

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MAN !!!!! It is so comforting to know that I have you all in my corner !!!! Things have been a bit chaotic with this whole move, but I got this. I have procured a place to live, and a couple few secondary grow spots as well. It was brought to my attention by one of my supporters that there was talk about me being done/retiring on some pages somewhere. That is simply not the case. I plan on doing this until I take the ole dirt nap so to speak. As a matter of fact, I plan on kicking it up a notch.

Also, it puts a smile on my face and warms my heart to see our page still rolling along. Although I haven't been here with you all, I still pay the advertising fees to keep our page available.

Next week at some point will be the final trip to complete the move. I must admit that is gonna be a nail biter.......28 mother plants goin through 5 states. But I will go by the old rule, NEVER break two laws at the same time !!!!! No speeding, obey all traffic laws ect.

In short, considering everything that has transpired, I am doin alright. I now have my head up high, my eyes pointed straight forward. AND, I have some stuff set aside to help us/me get back to some sort of normal. Not by way of a drop, but some gifts like I used to do. Random free stuff here and there. Stay tuned !!! And I thank you all for the well wishes and continued support. There is so much more I want to say, but I will hold that in and use it as my motivation.

Your friend
Glad to hear from you friend. Excited to see what you have coming but more excited to see you around! Good luck with the rest of your move.
Chocolate Diesel S1 is amazing! I'll see what I have left, if there is any and get a pic up. Makes me think I will do something with the Chocolate Diesel F3 I have. Normally I wouldn't think of grabbing a male from this type of pedigree but I really love the flavor and effect of this so I might look for one. Maybe F4 a small batch as well. Got a couple other I'll try to get pics up to move this thread along. Maybe Razz n Chocolate(great by the way) and Chocolate Covered Strawberries S1(also great).
MAN !!!!! It is so comforting to know that I have you all in my corner !!!! Things have been a bit chaotic with this whole move, but I got this. I have procured a place to live, and a couple few secondary grow spots as well. It was brought to my attention by one of my supporters that there was talk about me being done/retiring on some pages somewhere. That is simply not the case. I plan on doing this until I take the ole dirt nap so to speak. As a matter of fact, I plan on kicking it up a notch.

Also, it puts a smile on my face and warms my heart to see our page still rolling along. Although I haven't been here with you all, I still pay the advertising fees to keep our page available.

Next week at some point will be the final trip to complete the move. I must admit that is gonna be a nail biter.......28 mother plants goin through 5 states. But I will go by the old rule, NEVER break two laws at the same time !!!!! No speeding, obey all traffic laws ect.

In short, considering everything that has transpired, I am doin alright. I now have my head up high, my eyes pointed straight forward. AND, I have some stuff set aside to help us/me get back to some sort of normal. Not by way of a drop, but some gifts like I used to do. Random free stuff here and there. Stay tuned !!! And I thank you all for the well wishes and continued support. There is so much more I want to say, but I will hold that in and use it as my motivation.

Your friend

Good luck, have a buddy trail ya so no cops can even get behind ya..take it nice n easy and you will be fine.