Useful Seeds

I'm into casual! I made an account, but all I see is a bunch of pictures of Useful packs, no posts with text. Am I being too casual?

@bythekasiz has got you. Also, make sure you only type the number if you bid, no $.... the Instagram algorithm is a cruel mistress (and inordinately stupid)

The most recent listing with the Bohdi packs are some crazy fire. That Black Cherry Soda x Ancient OG sounds unbelievable
I think he likes using the IG platform as it gets many more eyes for auctions. I've bid on a few but they usually get to be more than I want to pay.

Yeah, I think they get buried too quickly here as well with everyone posting pictures of their plants and generally conversing. I absolutely stole his last one here and Im pretty sure it's because no one was seeing it after the first couple hours. It went for way less than his IG auctions usually go for.
D'oh, I just realized that I'm posting Bodhi stuff in Useful's thread, danged stoner! If a mod can move the last few to Bodhiland, I'd be appreciative.

I may have vaped too much BOO!
I was actually chuckling about it when I saw it. In my head I said "He thinks he's in the Bodhi thread" just from the way you posted it. Yes we are all stoners, one reason I come here, common ground for us all. I can come in here, be stupid and it’s ok, can't do that at work. Lol.