Well........WOW!!!! It seems as if we will have plenty of 1979 Christmas Tree Bud freebies !!! 2 people have stepped up already and offered to do this seed increase for the community. I am floored honestly.....but I kind of expected someone to step up. Didn't expect 2 in under 10 minutes. I wont mention their names, I will leave it up to them. During all of the crap that is going on nowadays, it is refreshing being here with folks that still love large, who's heart is all about our fellow human beings. When I say "I love you all" I mean it !! I know that i'm different, hopefully in a good way...lol. I will say again, if it wasn't for all of you supporting me......there would be no Useful Seeds. I know that you all have many choices out there on what you choose to grow, when I see you all using your precious space to grow Useful Seeds.......it truly does warm my heart, and puts a huge smile on my face.
your friend