Useful Seeds

Sent my MO today and can't wait to get my oranges! I hope it's good, I never have much luck finding a keeper with female seeds. It will be nice not to have to sex them, though. I'm going to pop 4 or 5 and give the rest to a friend!
Im pretty confident you guys are gonna find some good stuff in them Bag of Oranges fems. Likely gonna get 2 phenos in a 10 pack. Green pheno was the bright, citrus zesty orange peel pheno for me. :weed: Both carried a great stone.
also can we have a HAOGxDragonsblood cross? HAOG potency with Dragonsblood flavor would be just about it for me. Sorry, that sounds really demandy of me.
DANG!!!! I was mistaken in my reply earlier. I made some Chem 91 skva x Dragonsblood, and I made some HAOG x Chocolate Diesel fems. And another one I want to hunt through is OGKB x Apollo - 11 Genius. And some
Ricky immediately became my favorite smoke with 14 other varieties in the cupboard. Mild, tasty smoke with a very happy buzz. I found a couple of dozen beans in some buds which I've no doubt were caused by the stress endured during my moving from one ponderosa to another; those will be popped very soon. Ralph is good, too, and more photogenic, but Ricky is superb smoke..

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Ralph was momentarily glitzy, (think Chaminade, lol) but a flash in the pan compared to Ricky's staying power. Makes sense, lol!
I know this sounds like a noob question but I’m just am curious on what your alls preferred method of germination with the highest percentage of germ? I’ve always used the paper towel method and have been successful up until now with one of my banana Kush s1 (only one I attempted to germ so far). Been four days and still no tap. Just seeing what you all think is the best most efficient way you’ve had germinating. Thanks guy and hope you all have a good day.
I know this sounds like a noob question but I’m just am curious on what your alls preferred method of germination with the highest percentage of germ? I’ve always used the paper towel method and have been successful up until now with one of my banana Kush s1 (only one I attempted to germ so far). Been four days and still no tap. Just seeing what you all think is the best most efficient way you’ve had germinating. Thanks guy and hope you all have a good day.
I usually just drop them in a cup of water and wait for the shell to split. Some are finicky and need a seed cracker or a Very light scuffing with sand paper pre soak
I know this sounds like a noob question but I’m just am curious on what your alls preferred method of germination with the highest percentage of germ? I’ve always used the paper towel method and have been successful up until now with one of my banana Kush s1 (only one I attempted to germ so far). Been four days and still no tap. Just seeing what you all think is the best most efficient way you’ve had germinating. Thanks guy and hope you all have a good day.

Everyone does what works for them. I gave up on the paper towel stuff, cups of water etc many years ago. Seeds have been sprouting in dirt for far longer than we have been growing pot and I see no benefit to doing it any other way. I plant directly into soil and vary rarely have a seed not pop.

Typically if they don't pop they are either super old, very fresh or not viable to begin with. Old seeds may need a scuff/extra moisture and fresh seeds need to dry for a few weeks before I see optimal germ rates.
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in a snack baggie of distilled water, one or two drops of peroxide, on a warm pad. Or the warm not hot spot on hot water heater. Then when cracked or tails, do the humidity dome, heat pad WITH A THERMOSTAT OR TIMER, voile. All my Banana Kush cracked 2/2 great smoke. Got one of one up on the ChemD x Choc D. I never had nor never will do the scuffin, just me. Warm soak always seems to do the trick, just not too hot, like the seed mat, it will get too hot if you just leave it on. jme
I know this sounds like a noob question but I’m just am curious on what your alls preferred method of germination with the highest percentage of germ? I’ve always used the paper towel method and have been successful up until now with one of my banana Kush s1 (only one I attempted to germ so far). Been four days and still no tap. Just seeing what you all think is the best most efficient way you’ve had germinating. Thanks guy and hope you all have a good day.

For me the seeds go straight into a wet folded paper towel, then into a ziplok baggie with a small puff of air in it. Put it on a ceramic saucer and set it on the DVR box for the heat. Condensation on the inside of the bag is a usually a good sign. Usually within 48 hrs I have a 3/4" taproot ready for transplant into a rapid rooter. Im probably about 90% or better in the last couple yrs. Some seeds just arent going to pop no matter how patiently you wait, or what method is employed.

in a snack baggie of distilled water, one or two drops of peroxide, on a warm pad. Or the warm not hot spot on hot water heater. Then when cracked or tails, do the humidity dome, heat pad WITH A THERMOSTAT OR TIMER, voile. All my Banana Kush cracked 2/2 great smoke. Got one of one up on the ChemD x Choc D. I never had nor never will do the scuffin, just me. Warm soak always seems to do the trick, just not too hot, like the seed mat, it will get too hot if you just leave it on. jme
You did a run of the Banana Kush S1's already? Whats the smoke report on it? Any pics?
For me the seeds go straight into a wet folded paper towel, then into a ziplok baggie with a small puff of air in it. Put it on a ceramic saucer and set it on the DVR box for the heat. Condensation on the inside of the bag is a usually a good sign. Usually within 48 hrs I have a 3/4" taproot ready for transplant into a rapid rooter. Im probably about 90% or better in the last couple yrs. Some seeds just arent going to pop no matter how patiently you wait, or what method is employed.

You did a run of the Banana Kush S1's already? Whats the smoke report on it? Any pics?
Smoke surprised me, good and strong. had a sweeter taste, not really nanner, but plaintain, not melon, but, something. Easy to grow for me, and finished sooner than anything else during that round. Just did two and I was out so they didn't last long. I did smoke it up first, if that says anything. I have more left, along with the ChemD x Banana Kush. Very much worth it, imho. I was pleasantly surprised, no offense. Just wasn't sure what to expect.
I know this sounds like a noob question but I’m just am curious on what your alls preferred method of germination with the highest percentage of germ? I’ve always used the paper towel method and have been successful up until now with one of my banana Kush s1 (only one I attempted to germ so far). Been four days and still no tap. Just seeing what you all think is the best most efficient way you’ve had germinating. Thanks guy and hope you all have a good day.

I started with the paper towel method. Then after having success just planting in dirt I use to just plant them in dirt with great success for a number of years. Then had a spat of not so successful germination. So went back to the towels. I wet the towels put seeds between them. Make sure there is no standing water. Then I close the lid on the glad container and place somewhere warm but not too warm.
With that method I tend to get 90% + within a day or so. Some seeds that don't crack in the towels I still plant anyway and have had lots of those pop many days later.

Cheers :)
Red's idea is the way I used to do it, I would still if my hands weren't so numb. I'd take em out of the small baggie, use that water to wet the small cut folded paper towel, put back in, and give a good blow of exhaled air. Always had long tails thatway, but if not careful, you'll get something dirty in my fucked up process, and some wouldn't come out. So I just went to warm soak then plant in riot rooters, those also soaked in lite clonex solution. with dome and heating pad, been gettin up good lately. Old timers swear by that blowing co2 from your air into the bag.
Of course seeds dont need to be germinated in a paper towel. I do it so I know how many are actually going to pop.

Why waste time putting seeds directly into the container/medium to germ? Then you gotta wait days to see if they come up and if some dont youll have to germ more and those will be days behind the first set. Etc...

I see the reverse. To me its a waste of time to germ seeds in paper towel and risk root damage while transplanting them at such a delicate stage.

Seeds not germing in either way would result in a lag time in new seeds being germinated so I don't really see a advantage to either technique in that regard.

Like i said in my first post, people do what works for them...more than one way to skin a cat and such.
I know this sounds like a noob question but I’m just am curious on what your alls preferred method of germination with the highest percentage of germ?
i put them in a root riot cube with the bottom pointed upward and exposed to the light a bit. my last few batches have had 100% germination. i use a drip feed to keep them wet, about a minute every hour or so. i keep the water pointed at the side of the cube so its not blasting right onto the seed
I know this sounds like a noob question but I’m just am curious on what your alls preferred method of germination with the highest percentage of germ? I’ve always used the paper towel method and have been successful up until now with one of my banana Kush s1 (only one I attempted to germ so far). Been four days and still no tap. Just seeing what you all think is the best most efficient way you’ve had germinating. Thanks guy and hope you all have a good day.

I use a 5:1 ratio of RO water to 3% hydrogen peroxide. My understanding is the hydrogen peroxide acts as a chemical scarifier. Making it easier for oxygen to penetrate the seed. I haven't had any problems since I switched to that method years ago.