I use Coots mix recipe (1/3 peat, 1/3 compost( with about 10% worm castings) and 1/3 aeration (I use lava rocks and rice hulls) plus all the amendments listed in the thread.
https://forum.grasscity.com/threads/no-till-gardening-revisited.1400505/). The first 100 pages has a shit ton of info. The only difference in the recipe is I added 6 cups/cu ft of bio-char. The most important thing is getting high quality ingredients especially compost and worm castings( Lots of life in the soil, bacteria fungus etc. I mostly used buildasoil and KIS organics and some local companies). I believe Coot said in the above link somewhere "If you get the humus right, you will be shocked how easy it is" Be forewarned, it is a labor intensive process up front (luckily I had some young backs to help mix the soil and crush/screen lava rocks). I have also bought some bagged soil from buildasoil(It was on sale half price) that works well( not as good as the homemade as quickly) and its a lot easier to open a bag then it is to crush 100 gallons of lava rock...lol) The best part is the soil gets better over time and after second or third run the shit is jamming! On a side note, I will doing a little experiment running a regular 20 gal no till pot against two 5 gal no till pots using quarter strength Jack's nutes ( and try not to kill all the life in the soil and pushing the plants a little harder(it is how the guys growing giant pumpkins do it). If you are interested, I will be happy to answer any questions you have, I have made most of the mistakes....lol