Useful Seeds

can you fill me in "DCSE" im only hip to JB and GLG unless im just having a very stoned moment lol witch is quite possible ive been on the net for the last 4 or 5 days researching alot of stuff been damn near everywhere { im off work for 2 weeks ]

One of the best around, he has a phone number to call if u have any probs completing an order. Him or his wife will ensure fast shipments too!
thanks useful i took a chance hopefully it all goes good ive been lookin aloooooooooooooooooooong time
You are in good hands with DCSE. On another note, in the morning i'm headed up to my friends mountain to bring in the new year, celebrate my birthday,the 31st........ect. I will have no internet, cell service. He doesn't even have a land

I really appreciate all of you, your support, posting pics, hangin out in the thread, just helping to keep the ball rolling while i'm absent. That is the good stuff !!! WE had a GREAT year together right??? I myself am lookin forward to 2020, I have some serious plans, and I am motivated to kick it up a notch.

ALSO,,,,,, gonna be lookin for some testers in the next couple of weeks, some fresh feminized gear. Priority will be given to previous testers, but I will allow some newcomers because ya never know.

And where in the hell is @Frank Nitty ????
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You are in good hands with DCSE. On another note, in the morning i'm headed up to my friends mountain to bring in the new year, celebrate my birthday,the 31st........ect. I will have no internet, cell service. He doesn't even have a land
Sounds quite relaxing and great birthday/ NYE

If you need testers, LmK again.!
I really appreciate all of you, your support, posting pics, hangin out in the thread, just helping to keep the ball rolling while i'm absent. That is the good stuff !!! WE had a GREAT year together right??? I myself am lookin forward to 2020, I have some serious plans, and I am motivated to kick it up a notch.

ALSO,,,,,, gonna be lookin for some testers in the next couple of weeks, some fresh feminized gear. Priority will be given to previous testers, but I will allow some newcomers because ya never know.

And where in the hell is @Frank Nitty ????
You are in good hands with DCSE. On another note, in the morning i'm headed up to my friends mountain to bring in the new year, celebrate my birthday,the 31st........ect. I will have no internet, cell service. He doesn't even have a land

I really appreciate all of you, your support, posting pics, hangin out in the thread, just helping to keep the ball rolling while i'm absent. That is the good stuff !!! WE had a GREAT year together right??? I myself am lookin forward to 2020, I have some serious plans, and I am motivated to kick it up a notch.

ALSO,,,,,, gonna be lookin for some testers in the next couple of weeks, some fresh feminized gear. Priority will be given to previous testers, but I will allow some newcomers because ya never know.

And where in the hell is @Frank Nitty ????
Happy Birthday and Happy New Year man! How would you feel about me testing some stuff for you again? :cool:

Bruised Banana (Black Jack x Banana OG)8E24F647-9C4A-4175-ABDF-8221CDF0E026.jpeg
The song of my people haha
Useful gear makes it virtually impossible not to order. (guilty myself)
LOL. Still haven't popped my Useful. Lots in the fridge that are way older. They're popping really well for being 5 years old in the fridge

I relapsed again tonight. We need to start a support group. Seed buying is harder to quit than Cigs, Herb, opiates, alcohol, etc...Even though I'm trying to collect my own pollen, I still need more seeds. I bought Dominion Seeds Shineapple and Delta Blues for $108 tonight. I'm from VA and have had that VA beach Afghani. It's fire and makes people stupid/paranoid. Amazing deal.

We should all trade seeds instead of buying them so my wife doesn't divorce me. LOL. I'm working on F2ing my stuff. Lucky charms, dank sinatra, want to get that stuff out there. I cannot spend more $ on seeds when I can make them and never run out of genetics.

We can call it Operation RF's Freedom, lol.

Useful related, I have his xmas bud and chocolate n pine. Can't wait to pop those in a couple of years as I'm back logged.
hey useful friends i have a question maybe some one might b able to answer
G13 Genius (Airborne G13/HP clone x STS-induced Genius)
so im confused i was under the impression ( airborne ) was the name for the (g13 x nl2 )cross from neville but this airborne is a g13/hp from 1990 can anyone explain
has anyone grown both the double dipped strawberry and the OC X CD from Useful? I'm limited to just 3 plants and Id like to start the more potent strain first, lots of mids around my area lately. Yield I can manipulate some, quality is harder to manipulate. But being attentive to plant conditions I see is about all I can do, in regards to potency. And leaving the plant in 48 hours darkness just before its cut down. Tricks the plant into thinking winter is upon it, more thc /terpenes ooze out.
has anyone grown both the double dipped strawberry and the OC X CD from Useful? I'm limited to just 3 plants and Id like to start the more potent strain first, lots of mids around my area lately. Yield I can manipulate some, quality is harder to manipulate. But being attentive to plant conditions I see is about all I can do, in regards to potency. And leaving the plant in 48 hours darkness just before its cut down. Tricks the plant into thinking winter is upon it, more thc /terpenes ooze out.
Neither one of those strain would disappoint you. Definitely not mids. Haven't grown either one but have seen a lot of nice pics and reports on both strains here in this thread. If you use the search function you can find quite a few examples of both.