Useful Seeds

YES, there have actually been extensive studies on this very issue. Microdosing of psilocybin has proven to help folks with many issues. Amazing how natural plants/fungus ect, that are actually beneficial to humanity, are frowned upon by the powers that be???

The perversion of our society. This day and age, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that pharmaceutical mega-corporations lobby against ANYTHING that they couldn’t be entitled to peddle for themselves. Want to do methamphetamine? No problem, I, the pharmaceutical company, will pack it into pill form as Desoxyn and condone it worthy.... so long as I get paid millions of dollars as a drug company exec. Never mind the millions of people imprisoned for non-violent drug offenses.

The only question here is ... who has the right to be your dealer? The street, or the doctor? Let’s let 21st century American capitalism decide!!!! Honestly, what an embarrassment.
My apologies for being late on a response. The Black Lime f4 is on hold, the germination test was not desirable at this point. I did a test a week ago, I was not happy with the %. Dropped some more today, and will see. I will NOT be shippin em out as of now.

As far as the Tranquil Chocolate they are fine, I have 30 packs. I also have a lil batch of Jungle Spice x Chocolate Diesel fems, some Sunny Diesel fems, which is Sunshine Daydream x Chocolate Diesel, small batch of Double Dipped Strawberries fems.

Again, I know a BUNCH of folks were lookin forward to the Black Lime F4, but I just can't provide em at the moment.

I'm still gonna do the BOGO at JBC though, full packs of 10. Freebie list is as follows

Chocolate Trip x Wolf Pack
Super Lemon Haze x Sour Diesel
Banana OG x I-95
Headbanger #4 x Wolf Pack
Sour Diesel x I-95
Blueberry Hashplant x Agent Orange x Sour Diesel
Lime OG x Sour Diesel
Grape Godhead x Sour Diesel
Bag of Oranges x Jabba's Stash
3 In The Pink x Wolf Pack
Mint Chocolate Chip x Wolf Pack

I really do appreciate all of you and your continued support, I think you all know that but I can't say it enough.

Hey no need to apologize, thank you for even replying, I appreciate you taking the time! Not to put my nose where it doesnt belong, but whats the germ rate? Do you think its due to thick seed coats or just low vigor? Also, do you plan on making more of the tranquil, 30 packs of that fuego is gonna go fast I bet! Those bogo's look amazing, I cant wait until they drop!
My apologies for being late on a response. The Black Lime f4 is on hold, the germination test was not desirable at this point. I did a test a week ago, I was not happy with the %. Dropped some more today, and will see. I will NOT be shippin em out as of now.

As far as the Tranquil Chocolate they are fine, I have 30 packs. I also have a lil batch of Jungle Spice x Chocolate Diesel fems, some Sunny Diesel fems, which is Sunshine Daydream x Chocolate Diesel, small batch of Double Dipped Strawberries fems.

Again, I know a BUNCH of folks were lookin forward to the Black Lime F4, but I just can't provide em at the moment.

I'm still gonna do the BOGO at JBC though, full packs of 10. Freebie list is as follows

Chocolate Trip x Wolf Pack
Super Lemon Haze x Sour Diesel
Banana OG x I-95
Headbanger #4 x Wolf Pack
Sour Diesel x I-95
Blueberry Hashplant x Agent Orange x Sour Diesel
Lime OG x Sour Diesel
Grape Godhead x Sour Diesel
Bag of Oranges x Jabba's Stash
3 In The Pink x Wolf Pack
Mint Chocolate Chip x Wolf Pack

I really do appreciate all of you and your continued support, I think you all know that but I can't say it enough.
What is the estimate time frame for that drop? @Useful Seeds
My apologies for being late on a response. The Black Lime f4 is on hold, the germination test was not desirable at this point. I did a test a week ago, I was not happy with the %. Dropped some more today, and will see. I will NOT be shippin em out as of now.

As far as the Tranquil Chocolate they are fine, I have 30 packs. I also have a lil batch of Jungle Spice x Chocolate Diesel fems, some Sunny Diesel fems, which is Sunshine Daydream x Chocolate Diesel, small batch of Double Dipped Strawberries fems.

Again, I know a BUNCH of folks were lookin forward to the Black Lime F4, but I just can't provide em at the moment.

I'm still gonna do the BOGO at JBC though, full packs of 10. Freebie list is as follows

Chocolate Trip x Wolf Pack
Super Lemon Haze x Sour Diesel
Banana OG x I-95
Headbanger #4 x Wolf Pack
Sour Diesel x I-95
Blueberry Hashplant x Agent Orange x Sour Diesel
Lime OG x Sour Diesel
Grape Godhead x Sour Diesel
Bag of Oranges x Jabba's Stash
3 In The Pink x Wolf Pack
Mint Chocolate Chip x Wolf Pack

I really do appreciate all of you and your continued support, I think you all know that but I can't say it enough.
Are these freebies fems? o_O
My apologies for being late on a response. The Black Lime f4 is on hold, the germination test was not desirable at this point. I did a test a week ago, I was not happy with the %. Dropped some more today, and will see. I will NOT be shippin em out as of now.

As far as the Tranquil Chocolate they are fine, I have 30 packs. I also have a lil batch of Jungle Spice x Chocolate Diesel fems, some Sunny Diesel fems, which is Sunshine Daydream x Chocolate Diesel, small batch of Double Dipped Strawberries fems.

Again, I know a BUNCH of folks were lookin forward to the Black Lime F4, but I just can't provide em at the moment.

I'm still gonna do the BOGO at JBC though, full packs of 10. Freebie list is as follows

Chocolate Trip x Wolf Pack
Super Lemon Haze x Sour Diesel
Banana OG x I-95
Headbanger #4 x Wolf Pack
Sour Diesel x I-95
Blueberry Hashplant x Agent Orange x Sour Diesel
Lime OG x Sour Diesel
Grape Godhead x Sour Diesel
Bag of Oranges x Jabba's Stash
3 In The Pink x Wolf Pack
Mint Chocolate Chip x Wolf Pack

I really do appreciate all of you and your continued support, I think you all know that but I can't say it enough.
when will they drop
And will it also be at Great Lake genetics besides jbc
Sup everyone. Just another little update for you. Today is I believe day 14 since flip to 12/12. In the last few days, the plants have started to make little budlets. They look to be officially beginning the flowering phase. Everything pretty smooth sailing right now.

The closeup below is Useful’s Chocolate Diesel. It has been an amazing plant to grow, and it’s downright beautiful.

Last edited:
YES, there have actually been extensive studies on this very issue. Microdosing of psilocybin has proven to help folks with many issues. Amazing how natural plants/fungus ect, that are actually beneficial to humanity, are frowned upon by the powers that be???
Doing that as we speak. I have bad anxiety. mushrooms > indica dom > anti-depressants > xanax (works well, causes dementia and addictive so I try and stay away. I call it time traveling). That is the order of preference for me. don't microdose too often. I get tons of energy the day off, then anxiety is gone the next day. It does drain you. I normally drink and smoke on top of the micro doses cause it's more fun 8-). It's great medicine compared to the pharmies.
Once a week is probably ideal. I'll normally only do friday/saturday. Again, it's tiring as you're brain is basically being google searched by the mushrooms to figure out the universe. You have synapses firing that are normally dormit while you're awake. Fun grateful dead fact I didn't know until recently, Sunshine daydream the song is about the next day after a great acid trip. makes sense. microdosing gives you a lighter version of SSDD.
Doing that as we speak. I have bad anxiety. mushrooms > indica dom > anti-depressants > xanax (works well, causes dementia and addictive so I try and stay away. I call it time traveling). That is the order of preference for me. don't microdose too often. I get tons of energy the day off, then anxiety is gone the next day. It does drain you. I normally drink and smoke on top of the micro doses cause it's more fun 8-). It's great medicine compared to the pharmies.

From what I've read, you shouldn't be able to perceive the effects when you're microdosing. It sounds more like you were minidosing, which is what I want to try.
oh yea, I like both, LOL. I should clarify, I MACRO dosed for a long ass time, I think I hit 50 times before I was 17 (L+mush/booms). Almost 40 now. Full time job, wife, 2 exhausting, amazing ladies (4.5 years old, 7 months). Quit the MACRO back in the early/mid 2000s cause I got burnt out and switched to other things. Revisited later 2013? Tripping face Makes me anxious. I can't do 8 hours of tripping anymore. With that said, PM if you got deems, cause I got dream :-) and want that 15 minute steam.

Instructions: (sticky this)
It's a fine line with boomers depending on how often you do them, how well grown, and what kind of fungai they are. Like herb strains, some are more body, visions/eyes, overall potent. here is a good chart:

******ALWAYS START AS SMALL AS POSSIBLE. This isn't herb, if you overdo it, you're gonna hallucinate. Not easy to stop. That's my legal disclaimer. I've done everying but DMT and Meth basically. Looking for deems, never meth...I think I did PCP, wasn't my choice, that was crazy. Not a fan.

If it's too intense, I take 0.5.-0.75 xanax. Not recommending xanax (gives you dementia), time travel, etc...As a last resort, I use it as I "landing gear/parachute". Follow the schedule below and see what works for what you can get. I have 1 strains in 2 diff batches. the 2nd batch is way stronger (golden teachers). I have a small batch of penis envy. They're way more visual. START with a tiny dose

Again, each strain/mushroom varies in potency:

  1. 0.05-0.15g - eat that, not late at night as it gives me lots of energy. 2 pots of coffee style, shouldn't see visuals. wake up next morning feeling like a $1 Mill. start super small, the size of an acid hit, work your way up
  2. 0.15-0.3g - If they're good and your mood is right, you will have energy and see floors/walls/patterns move. This is my preferred zone. You're brain doesn't go into trip land, but your eyes do. Things moving, but not super intense. Your brain is going nuts. If you have any GOOD IDEAS, WRITE THEM DOWN. If something is funny, sometimes I can't stop laughing. That's the worst side effect ;-) Can be ok, but IF it's in a good situation, you Feel Priceless. ok = $500 Million or Priceless = INFINITY
  3. 0.4 - 1.4g - definitely seeing things move, can be INFINITY x INFINITY amazing or the worst EVER. 70% chance of worse ever.
  4. Why the worst ever? Most IMPORTANT part:
    1. Worst ever: You will get ALL the anxiety of the beginning of the trip, but you don't achieve lift off. It's the BAD middle-ground between micro-dosing and just tripping. You would've rather just eaten an 1/8 and tripped balls, then half assed it. Stay away from here
    2. If you get the INFINITY X INFINITY, you're going to want to do the same dose everyday ;-). Again once, maybe 2 times a week. otherwise, you're not improving things.
IMO, if you're gonna do a G, you might as well do 3-4 8-) . If you want to micro, stay under 0.2-0.5 depending on factors mentioned earlier. Hope this helps
My apologies for being late on a response. The Black Lime f4 is on hold, the germination test was not desirable at this point. I did a test a week ago, I was not happy with the %. Dropped some more today, and will see. I will NOT be shippin em out as of now.

As far as the Tranquil Chocolate they are fine, I have 30 packs. I also have a lil batch of Jungle Spice x Chocolate Diesel fems, some Sunny Diesel fems, which is Sunshine Daydream x Chocolate Diesel, small batch of Double Dipped Strawberries fems.

Again, I know a BUNCH of folks were lookin forward to the Black Lime F4, but I just can't provide em at the moment.

I'm still gonna do the BOGO at JBC though, full packs of 10. Freebie list is as follows

Chocolate Trip x Wolf Pack
Super Lemon Haze x Sour Diesel
Banana OG x I-95
Headbanger #4 x Wolf Pack
Sour Diesel x I-95
Blueberry Hashplant x Agent Orange x Sour Diesel
Lime OG x Sour Diesel
Grape Godhead x Sour Diesel
Bag of Oranges x Jabba's Stash
3 In The Pink x Wolf Pack
Mint Chocolate Chip x Wolf Pack

I really do appreciate all of you and your continued support, I think you all know that but I can't say it enough.
can you give us some details on the sour diesel used?
Hey no need to apologize, thank you for even replying, I appreciate you taking the time! Not to put my nose where it doesnt belong, but whats the germ rate? Do you think its due to thick seed coats or just low vigor? Also, do you plan on making more of the tranquil, 30 packs of that fuego is gonna go fast I bet! Those bogo's look amazing, I cant wait until they drop!
Right now we are at 50%, they may just need more time in the fridge, I did scuff this last round and am waiting to see what happens. They could just be bad. I will be making more of the Tranquil Chocolate for sure.
What is the estimate time frame for that drop? @Useful Seeds
I am hoping for sometime next week, or next weekend.
when will they drop
And will it also be at Great Lake genetics besides jbc
GLG will be getting some Sunny Diesel fems.
Are these freebies fems? o_O
The freebies are regs.
@Useful Seeds, Any word on when the chocolate diesel regs will be available? Thanks for holding back the BLR F4s if they're not up to par. I'm hoping the CD regular is.
They were pollinated 2 weeks ago, so it will be a little while.
can you give us some details on the sour diesel used?
Came from a Sour Diesel back cross by Dynasty (who used his Huckleberry Diesel with what I presumed to be an ECSD cut). Professor P says this is the cut from when there was only one known as Sour D, if I remember correctly?

Selected by Respect Genetics for stability alone (chosen from 12 males), it was flowered three times and revegged twice as well as exposed to light leaks, no air circulation, feed and water over/unders, etc, etc., with no sign of instability.

All other males in the group didn’t measure up - not even close.

The structure on this male was almost identical to the favorite female of the group that possessed the best buzz and end of joint flavor.
oh yea, I like both, LOL. I should clarify, I MACRO dosed for a long ass time, I think I hit 50 times before I was 17 (L+mush/booms). Almost 40 now. Full time job, wife, 2 exhausting, amazing ladies (4.5 years old, 7 months). Quit the MACRO back in the early/mid 2000s cause I got burnt out and switched to other things. Revisited later 2013? Tripping face Makes me anxious. I can't do 8 hours of tripping anymore. With that said, PM if you got deems, cause I got dream :-) and want that 15 minute steam.

Instructions: (sticky this)
It's a fine line with boomers depending on how often you do them, how well grown, and what kind of fungai they are. Like herb strains, some are more body, visions/eyes, overall potent. here is a good chart:

******ALWAYS START AS SMALL AS POSSIBLE. This isn't herb, if you overdo it, you're gonna hallucinate. Not easy to stop. That's my legal disclaimer. I've done everying but DMT and Meth basically. Looking for deems, never meth...I think I did PCP, wasn't my choice, that was crazy. Not a fan.

If it's too intense, I take 0.5.-0.75 xanax. Not recommending xanax (gives you dementia), time travel, etc...As a last resort, I use it as I "landing gear/parachute". Follow the schedule below and see what works for what you can get. I have 1 strains in 2 diff batches. the 2nd batch is way stronger (golden teachers). I have a small batch of penis envy. They're way more visual. START with a tiny dose

Again, each strain/mushroom varies in potency:

  1. 0.05-0.15g - eat that, not late at night as it gives me lots of energy. 2 pots of coffee style, shouldn't see visuals. wake up next morning feeling like a $1 Mill. start super small, the size of an acid hit, work your way up
  2. 0.15-0.3g - If they're good and your mood is right, you will have energy and see floors/walls/patterns move. This is my preferred zone. You're brain doesn't go into trip land, but your eyes do. Things moving, but not super intense. Your brain is going nuts. If you have any GOOD IDEAS, WRITE THEM DOWN. If something is funny, sometimes I can't stop laughing. That's the worst side effect ;-) Can be ok, but IF it's in a good situation, you Feel Priceless. ok = $500 Million or Priceless = INFINITY
  3. 0.4 - 1.4g - definitely seeing things move, can be INFINITY x INFINITY amazing or the worst EVER. 70% chance of worse ever.
  4. Why the worst ever? Most IMPORTANT part:
    1. Worst ever: You will get ALL the anxiety of the beginning of the trip, but you don't achieve lift off. It's the BAD middle-ground between micro-dosing and just tripping. You would've rather just eaten an 1/8 and tripped balls, then half assed it. Stay away from here
    2. If you get the INFINITY X INFINITY, you're going to want to do the same dose everyday ;-). Again once, maybe 2 times a week. otherwise, you're not improving things.
IMO, if you're gonna do a G, you might as well do 3-4 8-) . If you want to micro, stay under 0.2-0.5 depending on factors mentioned earlier. Hope this helps

Thanks. I am familiar with psychedelics. First recreational drug I ever took was orange sunshine in '70. The dosing info will help when I get to that point.
Thanks. I am familiar with psychedelics. First recreational drug I ever took was orange sunshine in '70. The dosing info will help when I get to that point.
Nice, I bet that stuff was amazing. I haven't done L since the 90s. A lot of stuff I got wasn't very clean either. I got a line on some deemsters. 15 minutes of the afterlife.