Useful Seeds

Doin well my friend, I actually puffed on some Chocolate Diesel hash, and ate a whole med cookie!!! The cookies I make will put a man down for the count.I would actually double dog dare ya to eat a whole cookie..haha. I grew some autos in the past...and wont do it again. Some folks love em, but it is just not for me.
I read that alot... Some people like them, some people hate them... I just wanted to try something new and autos were it.
I read that alot... Some people like them, some people hate them... I just wanted to try something new and autos were it.
Everyone has their likes and dislikes, some folks like fem seeds, some don't. Some like autos, some don't.You know the deal bro. It ia all about what YOU want to do...I get pissed when I see folks bashing others because they are runnin autos, or even fems. Is it their garden??? Do they pay the light bill?? Rant
Im seriously thinking about getting an autopot system very soon, like in the next week or so... What do you know about them? Like or not?
Lucky 7's edit....I tried to post a pic of the winning packs, can't seem to upload pics to save my
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So I just sent payment for a couple packs of your chocolate diesel s1 seeds. I'm thrilled to say the least. Do you have any info you could share on the mom used?

S1 seeds have gotten a bad rep lately it seems but in my experience with them you can get plants worse than the mom and some even better than the mom... I'm always willing to take a chance and see what fate holds. Can't wait for these, thanks useful
I gotta get me some of your gear @Useful I've been running mostly GPs gear for the last few months and a ton of testers for different breeders. Before you started this thread and started talking about choc thai on another thread I dont remember which. I figured you were blowing smoke. But I see you doing your thing. I def need to get a few packs. Is GLG the only place to get your gear? I've had a few bad transactions with GLG not getting what i ordered. And the last time I ordered something from them. They emailed me saying what u purchased was out of stock. Which was in stock until they got my cash. I emailed back saying I'll just take a refund. That I wasn't interested in anything else at the moment. And they just sent three packs of whatever they wanted to I guess. Instead my money back. So I have 225 bucks worth of seeds I nvr even wanted.
A winner of what though? The 7 seeds?
I believe so
So I just sent payment for a couple packs of your chocolate diesel s1 seeds. I'm thrilled to say the least. Do you have any info you could share on the mom used?

S1 seeds have gotten a bad rep lately it seems but in my experience with them you can get plants worse than the mom and some even better than the mom... I'm always willing to take a chance and see what fate holds. Can't wait for these, thanks useful
You still lookn for some gg4 s1's?
My gg#4s1 #1 is amazing so far.i posted her here a page or two back I'll post an update soon but I fimmed her and she shot up 4 equal tops with one smaller one in the middle. Looks like a perfect little bush now. Absolutely perfect for scrog. Another s1 is putting out serious frost in veg
You still lookn for some gg4 s1's?
No i got some from x choc diesel,orange cookies x choc diesel,double dipped strawberries, choc diesel, all fems... Have not popped any of them yet cause I have 3 gas and guns autos and a mauvelous auto, a forum stomper auto,and a blue toof auto in my tent already...
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