Used SM 90 how long before cloning?


New Member
SM-90 isn't going to kill all those mites bro. You need pyrethrin bombs at least 2 times, but 6 days apart. It'll be 2 weeks at least (if all goes well) before they're all gone.

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I killed the infected ,they just started showing signs. The others didn't have any. I removed everything. Scrubbed and bleached everything. Sprayed all with 3 in 1 safer soap. Rubbed each leaf. Sprayed with water. Put everything that was only necessary back in. Sprayed plants and room with SM 90. Was going to do the 3 everyday for 3 times. I dont want to use a bomb since its in my house in my bathroom. So will this work and can someone answer my original question about taking cuttings after i finish spraying SM 90?


New Member
Pyrethrins are an extract from chrysanthemums... a plant.... and what bug do you have up your ass about SM-90 and clones? Where on the bottle or internet does it say to not take clones for a certain amount of time after you use it? It's a dumb thbing to be worried about. Take the fucking clones and get on with it.