Used neem oil, Now my plants look dead! Help


Active Member
I have a 10 plant aeroponics. I am 7 weeks into flowering with Skunk #1 . I had some larvae in my roots so i put neem oil in my reservoir. 1 Cup of neem oil and i sprayed my hydroton and rockwool, it was like that for 3 days and on 3rd day almost every leaf turned yellow and dropped. i flushed my reservoir and now there is just water. I checked them this morning and they look worse. What did i do wrong?


Well-Known Member
did you dilute it, did you try to wash the oil off after, keep spraying them and see if they come back.
are ther buds ok, any pics, id love to see the plants.
next time buy some proper stuff, or use diluted dish soap and water. but try not to leave on the leaves after, try to whipe with cotton buds.
well at least you wont do that again.
somtimes when your so far on, with your grow,like you were, is to buy the proper products and dont cut corners, next time buy the proper gear.


Active Member
I never sprayed the leaves the only thing that had neem oil on it was my roots in the tanks. the plants looked so good just yesterday and in one day everything is falling apart. has anyone had problems with neem oil.


Well-Known Member
I don't think neem oil is meant to be put in the reservoir, do a search on that!
I use it as a spray only. Maybe someone can clarify this.

Good luck mate!!


Well-Known Member
Man, ive NEVER heard of putting the neem oil in the rez like that, matter of fact i dont even mess wit hydro right now, BUT the stuff is meant to be sprayed on the infected areas of the plants, once your infestation is under control, you spray the plants off with water. The neem was probably like a poison and got into the root system and just owned the plant. I think you did do the right thing though, by putting clean wateer in your system, if the entire plant looks dead you can either scrap the project, or you can cut off most of the dead areas and hope for a regrowth, but this will slow you down.


Well-Known Member
Did you dilute it, its meant to be 5-10ml per litre of water.

I used it on 3 plants and it picked them up beautifully.

If you used it neat then the oil will coat the roots and they wont be able to absorb water or nutes.

It can be used as root soak but only diluted


Active Member
If you only had a week or two left of flowering. I would have just
left them alone and not use any product at all. 1 or two weeks
is not enough time for the bugs to get goin, besides spaying any
chemical will burn the hairs. If your havn any problems, usually
spay the super poisins in the first week and that should control
even the toughest mites.


Well-Known Member
ur supposed to spray your leaves!! its supposed to repel pests... putting neem with your roots doesn't make your plant produce an immunity. it will kill your plant.

Goodluck with your plants.


Active Member
thankyou everyone. what happened is the roots got clogged by the neem oil. i learned to never do that again, my crop might be saved ill give you pictures. i flushed the shit out of every thing and i am gona run h2o for a couple of days. Is there anyone that can help me out to save my plants.



Active Member
I recently had a problem with little mites with webs on my plant, if you read the back of the bottle, its used as a leaf spray. I used exactly half the recommended amount, and sprayed it once a day, before the light turned on, for 3 days. Do it for 3 days to make sure the eggs die too. Worked like a charm for me, I even did it during flowering. I attached a picture to prove its liveliness.



Well-Known Member
If you only had a week or two left of flowering. I would have just
left them alone and not use any product at all. 1 or two weeks
is not enough time for the bugs to get goin, besides spaying any
chemical will burn the hairs. If your havn any problems, usually
spay the super poisins in the first week and that should control
even the toughest mites.
Neem isnt a chemical, nor is it toxic.

ur supposed to spray your leaves!! its supposed to repel pests... putting neem with your roots doesn't make your plant produce an immunity. it will kill your plant.

Goodluck with your plants.
No it wont if its diluted properly, neem can be used as a fertiliser and anti fungal in soil.


Well-Known Member
maybe ues diluted soapy water cuz it would break down the oil and the roots should be able to breath migs is right too by the way.

Bear's Blunts

Well-Known Member
yes neem oil is for the leaves but i like to use mm2000 add to the res every week for a preventive measure works very well repelling all pests. how they bounce back for you. Peace


Active Member
well an update. My plants are looking still pretty bad, the leafs have dropped more, but the buds still look fine, i am going to wait to see what happens and take it from there.


Active Member
How did you ever make out? Can one smoke the buds after being sprayed with the Neem?

Treetops :confused:


Well-Known Member
TT, it's best if you apply at 5-day intervals, which is the approximate gestation time for spider mite eggs, as neem oil only kills hatched mites.

Once to kill adults, five days later to kill the hatched mites, and a third time for any you may have missed.

they come back srh?


Well-Known Member
I'm soil but maybe alittle soap as suggested and increase air bubblers if roots are sufficating.


Well-Known Member
You CAN water with Neem but I know this only to be practiced in soil. Obviously a very weak solution. To spray ur looking at 1ml/ Litre fro prevention and 2ml/Litre for actually killling mites. (twice in a week is a must to catch hatching eggs). This solution works out at 0.1% so if you water I'd use less.

You put a whole cup in there. What percentage do you estimate that at?

I love Neem but anything can be overdone !!!