Used mason jars


Well-Known Member
I recently cleaned an used beet jar and the smell was removed from the jar but not the lid. What can I use to get that smell out of the lid?


Well-Known Member
You can purchase replacement lids online through Walmart and other stores. I can alot of vegetables and need fresh lids every year, especially from my pickle jars.


Well-Known Member
Honestly nothing. I tried everything from multi-day bleach soakings to dishwashers to try and clean a homemade salsa jar out and nothing works. Shame as it was such a cool jar. Luckily new jars are cheap as hell

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The smell comes from the seal does it not. It can't be that hard to replce the rubber seal with a homemade alternative.

But yes, given that a new jar costs next to nothing, easier just to run down to your local shops and pick up some new ones. You could sell 1 gram of cannabis and buy enough jars to cure a pound of the stuff.


Well-Known Member
i heard boiling the lids works but I just gave up on salsa and pickle jars before actually trying it. Balls are cheap at wally world and target.


Well-Known Member
Balls?? Cheetoes I'm lost now lol.

And with google I'm found. Did some research cheetoes I know what your talking about.