Used Bonide it killed everything...including my girls =( will the seedlings make it?

(skip to last 2 paragraph if you dont want to read the whole story)

I've had a problem with what i thought was fungus gnats from the beginning months and months back. I fought them and kept them under control but then was gifted some lovely plants:wall:. I didnt put them in my grow room and the next day went to nurse them and clean them up. They just looked worse and worse so I tracked down one problem at a time rust or black spot mold first then found red mites and lastly some thrips just to pile it on, infested!...and by the time i knew what i had, mold spores had spread to everything in my grow room likely via the fungus gnats. What I believed to be black spot was eating the gifted plants like crazy and as sick as they were anything i did to try to help only worsened the problem and I started seeing the same symptoms in my garden room so I gave up on all that and burned it all.

I had cut clones of the plants I had before the gifted plants arrived and they were in a different room so I had hoped they werent affected and I could continue. When I took these clones I ditches soil and went to perilite/drip to waste thinking they couldnt live there even if they had managed to get in. Well I waited and waited for root development to come through but they never made it past the net cup. My clones stayed very stunted reaching only about 12 inches. After some time went by and the clones got too big for the closet, I sprayed bleach everywhere in my old garden room and set the clones up in there. This room started getting pretty cold some nights and I believe I got tissue damage from frost and humidity. I was in the middle of flowering so not wanting more damage to happen with the nights getting even colder I brought them into my bedroom. After a couple days the tissue damaged leaves started curling up and new growth was started. I had put them back into veg for about 2 weeks while i sprouted some seeds.

About a week ago I saw what I thought was a fungus gnat or fruit fly. I didnt think too much of it because I just tossed some bananas I figured it came from that. So then about 4 days ago I was moving the seedlings to check for root growth and saw this weird little black gnat or maggot. It was small though maybe 1/2 millimeter. So I was like WTH and started looking up everything I could. 3 days ago I found a fat black fly not really flying just fatting around. It looked bigger than a fungus gnat but about the same I crushed it and put it under the scope. That lead my to root aphids! I believe I've had them the entire time I've tried to grow and been mistaking the ones that grow wings for fungus gnats.

SO I find out bayer and bonide both have good reviews. I get the bonide fruit tree spray. I open it, mix it up, it smells stronger than paint thinner. I should have stopped there... it was warning enough...but i didnt. I wanted these bugs GONE plus it also killed and controlled diseases and molds I figured it was my last shot at saving my clones. I mixed at a little more than 1/2 strength for the strawberry treatment. I dunked them all into it to make sure I covered everything then flushed the perlite with more of the treatment but watered down more in case it would hurt my roots. Doing that I saw teeny tiny bugs that easily could be mistaken for dirt if i had been using dirt but some had little wings. They were dead. I was happy. I let the clones dry in the tub for a while and watched them. After about 30 minutes they still looked good so I did the seedlings next with what I used on the roots of my clones I sprayed them and flushed the media.

Everything seemed well enough. They dried in the tub for about 2 hours before putting them back under the light a 4 bulb HO T5. 2 hours later the clones were DEAD. Every leaf is dried up and have a clear or translucent look. There isnt a single leaf to bring them back. I think they were just going through too much at one time I didnt think the bonide was too strong because the seedlings still looked good for a couple hours and they were younger and more tender. Then they started getting the same clear translucent look in spots, then those spots turned real dark and this morning those spots are way light brown like a dead leaf. I'm posting before and after pics and what I want to know is, should I go on with these seedlings or just scrap them too with the chance of having any sickness or bugs the other plants had or do they look healthy enough that I should continue with them? Theyre between 1-2 weeks some germed faster.



Well-Known Member
to be fair the big ones looked near death already. Cut that bitch down and toss it. and toss that dirt. CLean your grow space.
The small guys look ok maybe slightly overwatered. be nice to them and you should be fine.
I agree they were close. This was a last effort before throwing in the towel for them. I set them in the bath tub for a while and noticed something crawling around. I tried to pick it up but squished it. Looked like aphid. knowing the bonide didnt even take care of all of the aphids and knowing the seedlings probably have them too, should I toss it all and start over?

Also I was thinking of pre treating the soil I intend to use whenever I restart some seedlings. Any input or advice on that? Do you think the insecticide already in the medium would slow/stop/ or harm the seedlings?

I'm so sick of bugs killing everything!


Well-Known Member
Wow, your have a lot of problems. The plants seem to have been through a lot of stress, and that really dead one looks a lot like it froze. I wouldnt use tree spray at all. Use some Safer soap and stickey blocks for the flies, and i use this great stuff called gnatrol which will kill all the eggs at the roots. When you transplant those seedlings,use the best soil you can get and keep the bugs at bay and they should be fine. Keep up the good work. peace

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
Why not just use Pro Mix? Every professional greenhouse I ever went to had bales and bales of it around. They can't afford to take chances with their livelihood. I use it to just make life easier on myself. I had a friend give me a plant last year and his dirt was full of bugs. It's just a big unnecessary hassle imo.
peat and perilite are what I was attempting to grow in before switching to just perlite. I agree though soil seems to be infested with bugs when you buy it.
The really dead one is the after picture. Those pics are all before and afters, sorry for your confusion.

So does anyone have thoughts on pretreating my grow media before seedlings sprout? Just worried it will mess something up with the seed growth.

I found what looked like either a dead aphid or a aphid hatching on my seedlings leaf today. Hard to tell under the scope but it was definitely something. It was not there yesterday so I must still have aphids. Anyone have advice on what to do about these aphids? I'm ok with ditching the seedlings and starting over yet again if that's best. But am I just going to keep getting aphids any time I try to grow? Is controlling them my only option?
I kept 2 seedlings and they're pulling through, grapefruit and lambo, lambo is already showing herself so thats a plus. maybe ill start a journal now. First pic taken 4/2 lambo on left gf on right, second pic taken today 4/16 gf on left lambo on right. I'm pretty glad I kept these. CAM00254.jpgCAM00345.jpgNever using Bonide again though. Bayer works nicely so far without damaging anything like bonide did.CAM00252.jpg


Well-Known Member
(skip to last 2 paragraph if you dont want to read the whole story)

I've had a problem with what i thought was fungus gnats from the beginning months and months back. I fought them and kept them under control but then was gifted some lovely plants:wall:. I didnt put them in my grow room and the next day went to nurse them and clean them up. They just looked worse and worse so I tracked down one problem at a time rust or black spot mold first then found red mites and lastly some thrips just to pile it on, infested!...and by the time i knew what i had, mold spores had spread to everything in my grow room likely via the fungus gnats. What I believed to be black spot was eating the gifted plants like crazy and as sick as they were anything i did to try to help only worsened the problem and I started seeing the same symptoms in my garden room so I gave up on all that and burned it all.
As much as this isn't related to Bonide, I feel that it brings a very good point to the table. Accidents and issues can occur with the best of genetics, being gifted from the best of growers. This is also why I've preached a quarantine room/section for anything new getting introduced, so it doesn't cause hellacious damage overnight or nearly so.