USCB Radical feminist porn professor goes nuts

it's pretty uncomplicated when you use exclusively loaded presuppositions and dishonest language.

but if you are honest about it, things get much more complicated.
I am being honest! How can you defend the murder of an innocent child? Just a straight forward honest question.
There is no defending the actions of the professor, everyone knows that.
Just another example of liberal intolerance, there's a reason many liberal women are haters, it must suck to be fat, ugly and angry.

Mireille Miller-Young is definitely fat, ugly and angry. Naturally she is a progressive.

Buck, Mireille Miller-Young said shut the fuck up.
Look at that moonpie face. If you look closely, you can see the sea of tranquility on her forehead.


She probably has a ham sandwich under each saggy tit.
Why does a "feminist studies" professor get to violate the civil rights of a sixteen year old girl? Is this a war on women who happen to be 16 years old and oppose abortion?
Why are you defending an ugly hag that assaulted and violated the civil rights of an innocent young girl, Buck? Why do you want young girls to be assaulted? Have you stopped assaulting your wife?
The double standards shrunk Buck's e-penis to the size of cute!

what double standards?

i'd feel the same way if someone took WBC's hate porn as i do about a professor taking these radicals' aborted baby porn.

you guys gonna let me hang some gay anal fisting porn around your home?
Why does a "feminist studies" professor get to violate the civil rights of a sixteen year old girl? Is this a war on women who happen to be 16 years old and oppose abortion?

It is the progresives war on woman. It seems more and more like it has become the norm for progressives
to be against other peoples civil rights. One things for sure there is a lot of intolerance with them.
It is the progresives war on woman. It seems more and more like it has become the norm for progressives
to be against other peoples civil rights. One things for sure there is a lot of intolerance with them.

public pornography is not a civil right, although i'm sure you'll be tolerant of my decision to post gay anal fisting porn in your neighborhood.

and for the record, what woman are we going to war on?


Go ahead, it's not like i have to look at it. As long as you don't murder anyone's kids you should be fine.

ok, where do you live?

post your name, address, and a headshot just like the lying propagandist homicidal "pro lifers" do for abortion doctors please. i will plaster gay anal fisting porn all over your neighborhood soon.

It is the progresives war on woman. It seems more and more like it has become the norm for progressives
to be against other peoples civil rights. One things for sure there is a lot of intolerance with them.

Progressive feminists want manly women and girly men. They're also against war, but want women in combat. :dunce: