USB Microscope comes Monday


These three plants start week 7 of flower today. DWC, 40-55 rh, 65-75f, GG4 Auto, Crit Purp Auto and Tangie Dream Auto, all from Grower's Choice. 3 x 135w actual blurples, 2.5 gal res with 2 stones per. Nute changes and res scrub Saturdays, top off w/ Ph'ed water Tuesdays and Thursdays. Nutes right now are Rhino Skin, Cal Mag, Micro, Bloom, Overdrive and Bud Candy (was on Big Bud up until this past change and switched to Overdrive). Think two more weeks of Overdrive, three day flush, and chop (all dependent on trichomes for sure). What do you guys think? Friend is saying chop but I feel like they still have some stacking to do and I don't see any amber yet (USB microscope may change that).


Well-Known Member
Your friend doesn't know what they're talking about. Those have a couple more weeks at least.


Thanks, and you don't know how right you are about my friend. Do you think they'll continue to stack up or are they probably done growing?


Well-Known Member
Just set back and watch them grow.. at least another month or so... look at this way, you’ll have twice the yield.


Well-Known Member
First , kick friend in nads .
Those girls need “ weeks “ to go ... for bulking and ripening. Another indicator that buds are in the later stages are when pistils have turned color and receded back ( 80% or better ) on overall buds. It indicates that the calyx areas ( place you would scope triches ) are maturing. That’s the stage you want.

It is far too easy to cut too early , but it is very hard to cut too late. Let that sink in.