USA - leave if you want to save yourself

why? i don't see the problem.

European union, North American union, Asian Union.

Oceania? Eurasia? Eastasia?

Perpetual war? :spew:Ministry of Truth?:spew: Thoughtcrime? :spew:
No thanks!

Too bad Newspeak is already upon us.:sad:

But on the bright side, I wont need a passport to go to Acapulco.
But then again maybe prols wont be alowed to travel?:wall:
All I want is to be left in peace.that's it.I want to be left alone, as long as I don't hurt anyone, and have the same opportunity as anyone else for a happy life.I don't need to be rich.But I don't want to struggle constantly.Oh well.I'll suck it up and move on.
Me too. I just want to be able to survive without having to strugge.
I want to be able to grow my own weed and use it without being "criminalized" .

All I want is to be left in peace.that's it.I want to be left alone, as long as I don't hurt anyone, and have the same opportunity as anyone else for a happy life.I don't need to be rich.But I don't want to struggle constantly.Oh well.I'll suck it up and move on.
it wont be criminalized.. Its just gonna be harder to do because of the nuclear toxicicty of the soil... guess im growin aeroponics
or the air for that matter? Ever heard the word "fallout" ?

What I meant by "criminalized" was that I want to be able to grow, possess and use my weed without being considered a "criminal" .
ps.. this is AFTER The nukes drop from russia and fuck us..

The goverment will be overthrown and the world as we know it will be in chaos.

meanwhile a giant swiss blackhole will be ever growing eating everything in its path untill the whole world is gone..

we have 4 years make em last.. lol

Btw if you think i belive any of the bullshit i just wrote . ur very wrong
well... ill be making my own water.. due to my elevated understanding of particle collision.. jk and the air.. um fuck dunno bout that one

either way i gotta make me an underground bunker with one way vents to the top with enough clean air and oxygen to last me 50 years an my lil girlies an maybe sum real gurlies.. get the underground playboy grotto goin in this biaotch
I don't have a basement and that really bothers me. I want a basement that I can turn into a fallout, bio-hazard, bomb, survial, shelter.

I am fully aware that our government is going to be the death of us all, no matter what anyone thinks or who anyone votes for. We are so far beyond screwed that it'll take 10000 light years for the light from screwed to even reach us.
I don't have a basement and that really bothers me. I want a basement that I can turn into a fallout, bio-hazard, bomb, survial, shelter.

I am fully aware that our government is going to be the death of us all, no matter what anyone thinks or who anyone votes for. We are so far beyond screwed that it'll take 10000 light years for the light from screwed to even reach us.

lol thats some funny what isall this bullshit obout 2012?
I can't even begin to explain the 2012 thing. You are just going to have to look for shows about the apocalypse on Hustory channel. They do quite a bit of stuff on it.

Many ancient peoples believed that 12/21/2012 is the date of the end. The end of what is the question. The end of the human race? The end of life as we are used to it? The end of war? The end of peace? You just have to learn about it and form your own opinion.
The entire western world is on the brink of disaster, anyone who understands economics and who has been observing the news lately should be packing for the '3rd' world.

Anyone who understands psychology, has already packed and left.

Do not say you were not warned.

The entire western world is on the brink of disaster, anyone who understands economics and who has been observing the news lately should be packing for the '3rd' world.

Anyone who understands psychology, has already packed and left.

Do not say you were not warned.

I cant believe I am about to drop myself a few levels to even respond to this rediculous thread and its suggestions, but here goes.. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? i wish harm upon no one, but you sir, i would kick in your teeth. Where are you from? South Africa? Been there, and let me tell you, straight busch league.. still considered a "developing country". So how are you to judge the "western world" when your country (dont even let me start on your continent) isnt even close to standard? The "western world" is the standard! The standard for South Africa and the rest of the this planet. Unfortunately, the greatest problems lie within my country and yours. People, like yourself, can't focus on the prolems at home. They must try to fix someone else's problem before fixing their own. And quit listening to your filtered media sources!
I cant believe I am about to drop myself a few levels to even respond to this rediculous thread and its suggestions, but here goes.. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? i wish harm upon no one, but you sir, i would kick in your teeth. Where are you from? South Africa? Been there, and let me tell you, straight busch league.. still considered a "developing country". So how are you to judge the "western world" when your country (dont even let me start on your continent) isnt even close to standard? The "western world" is the standard! The standard for South Africa and the rest of the this planet. Unfortunately, the greatest problems lie within my country and yours. People, like yourself, can't focus on the prolems at home. They must try to fix someone else's problem before fixing their own. And quit listening to your filtered media sources!

I agree...with him:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
I'm staying. If I have to go back to early time survival I will.
I may even like it better living off the land. I would fish and GROW!!

So whoever hates this country so much, go move into a cave, you are a terrorist too.
The NAU wouldnt be all that bad, im not so sure how they would swtich the money. or what 'constitution' would be used(prolly just another one would be made up completely voiding our previous one and its rights).. but i guess we will see how it plays out...
The History Channel (THC LOL sry) is ran by the media could you even trust anything they would say about 'apocalypse' or 2012? they also do a story on the bible code:roll:
2012 is a Mayan belief that we stumbled upon, its kinda complicated, but it has to do with there calender, which they made around the cosmics of the Universe. (Venus, Mars, comets passing and all of that good stuff.) Its an incredibly sophisticated calander that is extremely accurate. To make a long explantion of it short their calander ends at 2012, no more cosmics happening at all. To understand what they my implicate you have to have some sort of knowledge with physics, which sad to say but American's have maybe the worst eduction in physics in what you call the standard westen world.