USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........


Well-Known Member
i know the eye rolling icon is an easy answer FDD. you are missing the forest for the trees. The communities don't stop at thge border...well they do now but they didn't.
they are NOT communities, they are 2 separate countries, not my fault if the locals can't see the line.

berlin was divided overnight. it was not already 2 places that they simply built a wall between. no matter how you explain it, your comparison is nowhere equal.

mexicans are illegally entering a DIFFERENT country. no one is being divided.


Well-Known Member
the walls don't stop the families from crossing at the check points if they are legal
been to Lajitas lately Robert? It's dead on both sides because the crossing got closed~ have to drive 60 miles to Ojinaga/presidio to cross and 60 back to get to the other side of the community . It has effectively wiped out dozens of communities on both sides. yes FDD their is a border. i guess that is where the caring is supposed to stop.

communities can cross borders.


Well-Known Member
been to Lajitas lately Robert? It's dead on both sides because the crossing got closed~ have to drive 60 miles to Ojinaga/presidio to cross and 60. It has effectively wiped out dozens of communities on both sides. yes FDD their is a border. i guess that is where the caring is supposed to stop.
our borders are open to ANYONE wishing to legally enter.

how hard is this to understand?

when you enter illegally you are here illegally.

you know the risks before you ever get here. deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Ok now I think I can comment...The wall idea need and a waste of money...If you really want to stop the problem you only have to do two things

1. Enforce the laws already on the books.

2. Fine the hell out of employers who hire illegals ( and I mean really fine them ).

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
been to Lajitas lately Robert? It's dead on both sides because the crossing got closed~ have to drive 60 miles to Ojinaga/presidio to cross and 60 back to get to the other side of the community . It has effectively wiped out dozens of communities on both sides. yes FDD their is a border. i guess that is where the caring is supposed to stop.

communities can cross borders.
good point here in the lower rio grande valley we have bridges and crossings every 15 miles, never had to deal with a closure that would be hard on many families here


Well-Known Member
Why they mad? It seems for everyone that's stopped or killed 100 more come over to replace him. As said above I'm far from racist but this shits gotta stop. Arizona has it right /story. Were all REQUIRED to carry an I'd (proof of citizenship) and we all make it available should law enforcement act, now these fuckers are worried about getting caught in the country because the cops finally have the right to check if we actually have the papers were required to carry. Stfy and get ur citizenship or GTFO of our country, sorry to sound so ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Ty sir. I can't seem to find "politically correct" terminology for things like immigration and the like, I have nothing against those who come here LEGALLY, they are the fiber of america undoubtedly but the illegals are just parisitic creatures that are ever increasingly affecting our crime rates, economy, and in southern most parts of the country even our sense of safety. If that's not a problem that needs confronted idk what is. Imma stop now 'fore I get heated lol. But again. Ty


Well-Known Member
Ty sir. I can't seem to find "politically correct" terminology for things like immigration and the like, I have nothing against those who come here LEGALLY, they are the fiber of america undoubtedly but the illegals are just parisitic creatures that are ever increasingly affecting our crime rates, economy, and in southern most parts of the country even our sense of safety. If that's not a problem that needs confronted idk what is. Imma stop now 'fore I get heated lol. But again. Ty
there's 12 million illegals here already. how sweeping is your generalization that turns them ALL into 'parasitic creatures'?

take it from me, i have worked alongside them years ago. those 12 million illegals are right about on par with any other group of 12 million people: many good, some bad, a few evil. the illegals i've known were generally religious, conservative, and hard working. as far as being 'parasites', they collectively pay billions of dollars into our system that they will never see back, as well as supporting local economies. why do you think the government enforcement is so lax? answer: because they benefit.

in any case, you don't come off as ignorant, i just wanted to throw a little perspective your way and say 'they are not ALL bad'.


Well-Known Member
...some people just refuse to get it.
Who does Geraldo Rivera remind you of here?


He found that between 1,806 and 2,510 people in the U.S. are murdered annually by illegal aliens. If he's right, that would represent between 11 percent and 15 percent of all murders in the U.S.”

Illegal Aliens Kill More Americans Than Iraq War


Well-Known Member
speaking of throwing perspective others way



Well-Known Member
thank you. :)

ah, poor drug smugglers. here have some juice and a cookie. you must be tired.
yes ALL illegals are drug dealers or cookers ~ dios mio! you've been smoking too much of your own product which BTW was a felony for growing not that long ago. whew good thing you can point at someone else now....what a relief.


what part of illegal dont you understand?

if you love mexico so much then just move there, and take a few of your friends with ya