OMG, where do I begin. Ummm.....quote from South Park sounds good to start......"They took r jobs." First off, if ya aren't from a boarder state, heres something to shut you up: insert a dick in ya mouth and suck it, cuz you have no idea wtf is going on!!!!!!!! If your not there to see what's going down, don't start siding with these leeches. I just moved from TX to a location I won't say. These people aren't just taking shit jobs, there taking every job you can think of. How? Are you going to put the effort into speaking another language (we'll soon have to do to this political correct pussy of a country we've become)? Let me explain. I do construction and well....forget about it....not happening down there. I can do it all too. Frame, drywall, paint, floor/tile, cabinets, finish carpentry, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah. Here's what's happening: if they're not taking our jobs, they are working for such meager wages that it drives everyones wages down. Let's pick one trade for example, drywall. A skilled guy use to be able to make 20 dollars an hour 10-20 years ago, over time that rate has dropped to 15 (in TX). FUCKING ILLEGALS THATS WHY. They come here and live 20 deep and like scrubs. They don't care about all the material things in life, like what was said b4, family and religion is their bread and butter. Due to these illegal cocksuckers we are slowly being forced to live a lesser quality of life due to our wages going down. BTW, not just any Joe Blow can do construction, it takes a lot of skill and knowledge. That's you see all these shows on TV like Holmes On Holmes just tearing new construction right the fuck out because it was done by unskilled hacks. Anyways, back to that learning the language thing. I started school to become an electrician while I was down there. To gain an apprenticeship job I found I had to learn THE LANGUAGE OF THESE LAZY COCKSUCKERS!!!!! BS!!!! I MOVED. WHY SHOULD WE BE FORCED TO LEARN THEIR FUCKING LANGUAGE SO WE CAN SUPPORT OUR FAMILIES? Heres another example. I havee brothers and sisters who tried to obtain fast food jobs to help support our family while growing up. Not to be had. And you wonder why your order gets fucked up in TX? Because everyone in there is a Fucking Mexican. Management is hiring legal Mexican citizens in places like these to help aid communication with these lazy cocksuckers, hence taking jobs from high school kids, single moms, ex cons, etc, etc, because they don't speak Spanish. How about hospitals? I won't get into, but I got stabbed by a psycho ex of mine. I'm in the ER bleeding all over the place, forced to wait. Why? Because these illegal fucks clog up our health care system. They are going to ERs with things you would just go see a physician for if you had health care. Two hours I waited before being seen, all the while I'm bleeding on their chair (don't get me wrong, it wasn't life threatening, but fuck I was bleeding ya know?). Let's not get me started on all the government programs that are in place wasting our tax dollars to supports these people, who are criminals btw (I'll go on a rant about that tomorrow). And since we're on deaths at the boarder, you northern, eastern, and western states should see just how fucking gangsta these people are at the boarders. Everyday in TX you read about people being ruthlessly killed in Nueva Laredo, Mexico and Laredo, TX (oh yeah, plenty of killing on American soils). It's so bad cops get killed daily it seems, newly elected police commissioners and police chiefs are getting iced everyday (a simple gun shot would be nice, but it's far more brutal than that). Families of the officers getting killed. The Mexican Government has no control on the cartels at all, not even with military force. WE NEED TO PROTECT OUR BOARDERS NOW!!!!! IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE A NUCLEAR WEAPON IS SET OFF IN OUR COUNTRY, COMING VIA THE MEXICAN BOARDER ACROSS. STOP BEING A BUNCH OF FAGGY, POLITICALLY CORRECT, OVER COMPASSIONATE PUSSYS TOWARDS THESE PEOPLE. YOU BETTER STOP CARING NOW OR YOU WON'T HAVE A COUNTRY TO CARE ABOUT ANYMORE. I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO VOTE AND WRITE YOUR LOCAL POLITICIANS. DO THIS FOR EVERYTHING YOU FEEL ANY PASSION ABOUT. WE CAN ONLY BLAME OURSELVES BECAUSE WE PUT THE DECISION MAKERS INTO POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO IS DO NOTHING (AND THIS GOES FOR ANY HOT TOPIC). LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, NEVER SILENCED!!!!!!!!!