USA fucks up again


Active Member
the gov fucks up and the people get to suffer where the fuck is the logic in this???? please tell me. these people are born there and arnt allowed to leave nor do anything they want they are stuck in a really big hole and to make it worse the only ones who so called help or making it worse. i cant stand the USA just as much as the next guy but when something like this goes down it makes it even worse.
The U.S. is not the worlds nanny. We have enough poverty to deal with. We can't save the world until we save ourselves


Well-Known Member
agree^^^^^but why stop now just cause of something like that. my granny smuggled bibles into china all the time. we help in a lot of ways but why stop?well she got aged and someone kept going at it. but we shouldn't stop just cause they are launching failed rockets. o from what i heard in school about the wind current it goes from west to east so if your in the east sorry bros and broetts. i know we cant help them all but food is the best thing to help with. if not the only thing to help with


Active Member

so someone launches a failure and you stop helping people with food why? people are going to starve because of this. this is so wrong on too many levels. these people need help and we take it away because the country did something we have been doing for years. this is just more reason to help they spend money on a rocket which could have fed the people but we also make it worse by stopping. if you say im fucked up for posting this then your more fucked up and inhuman for saying this is a completely good idea
Fuck NK, they would kill us all in a heart beat.....Their stupidity is not our fault.........Keep that money for the straving in the US


Well-Known Member
Really?? The did that? Trouble is that the acoustic (seismic) pulse from a buttload of anfo would be very different from the sharp snap of a nuke. I cannot imagine anyone's intelligence community to be fooled by that. cn
i dont think you would be able to tell the frequencies of the explosion for over 1000 miles away. just the magnitudes


Well-Known Member
i thought that crazy guy over there died ?

wait , he did die ,, and now his son is in control



Well-Known Member
Our government isn't fucked up for doing that. What is fucked up though is that fat fuck over there would rather put all their money into the military then to feed his own country. Why feed your own country when others are willing to feed your people for you? Just so you can build more failed missiles.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
all the problems in the US are mostly government problems. big business buying new laws to sell there unsafe products. food companies paying employees to become politians and lower the food standards so they can make more money. and then after they retire from politics they give them a 1 million dollar a year salary for helping them out. head government officials giving false information to start wars. the government is the problem. the bush admin. invaded countries without the UN's approval which is against the New World Order put into action by his father. what everyone sees is a front. the government and media lie to us. they helped strengthen al Queda and many terrorist groups in the world. they helped terrorist/ mass murderer take over libya. they lied about iraq having WMD's and sadam being affiliated with al Queda. the government has alot more problems then people think of.


Active Member
i thought that crazy guy over there died ?

wait , he did die ,, and now his son is in control

Yeah his 28 year old baby Kim Jong-un who is a 4 star general. See NK is not run by one person (thank God) but a panel of top military members. Kim Jong-un however still has a lot of power in the so called war room


Active Member
all the problems in the US are mostly government problems. big business buying new laws to sell there unsafe products. food companies paying employees to become politians and lower the food standards so they can make more money. and then after they retire from politics they give them a 1 million dollar a year salary for helping them out. head government officials giving false information to start wars. the government is the problem. the bush admin. invaded countries without the UN's approval which is against the New World Order put into action by his father. what everyone sees is a front. the government and media lie to us. they helped strengthen al Queda and many terrorist groups in the world. they helped terrorist/ mass murderer take over libya. they lied about iraq having WMD's and sadam being affiliated with al Queda. the government has alot more problems then people think of.
Glad I'm not the only crazy person with their eyes open


Well-Known Member
NewsFlash: ALL Governments on this planet SUCK! Every single one of them. All politicians lie, all major businesses cheat, steal and defraud the public. Personally I would LOVE to see a higher standard set and upheld for all of our 'public servants'.

There are brain scan truth tests that can tell when someone is lying now and no, it's not a simple polygraph test. If you cannot answer the questions given to you honestly, then you don't get the job, period. Periodic testing say, every 6 months to ENSURE you haven't been pulled to the dark side would be mandatory. It's about accountability and integrity. Nobody thinks to call all these people in government we hate so much. Wanna serve the PUBLIC TRUST? Prove it! Take the test, take the oath and let's see what a real honest person can do. I suspect there would be a mass exodus from congress if this was the law. ;)


Active Member
no more governments folks , just persons with large Financial/economical interests in certain countries. i don't even hate any more. all you guys are seeing here is what happens with organizations like those , they can't let other countries have weapons like that or oil money . cuz the power would shift . same mentality with mob bosses and respect or whatever, so i suggest, unless you wanna join the race, keep your head down and dodge the nukes ,and make sure your not in the countries of interest when they are interesting . besides think of the alternatives . what if the soviets had the power :shock:

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
Glad I'm not the only crazy person with their eyes open
yeah haha its pretty crazy how many people are uninformed or misinformed. i have to do a report on how the bush admin lead the US into war by lying. and try and figure out why they did. ill be learning alot more and im super excited


New Member
look at this fat fuck. do you think hes going to give up a hamburger for some poor kid hell no. I dont see why america needs to keep shelling out money for other countries when our own is in debt and on the verge of collapse.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^wrong good man we are collasped people are too stupid to see it. take what money you have and put it in gold and silver your going to need it.


Well-Known Member
look at this fat fuck. do you think hes going to give up a hamburger for some poor kid hell no. I dont see why america needs to keep shelling out money for other countries when our own is in debt and on the verge of collapse.
LOL ,, I dont think he has shared a lunch in a long time
Women in Uzbekistan are being sterilized without their knowledge or consent:

The pope told his African followers, who are in the midst of an AIDS epidemic, not to use condoms:

Many countries have the death penalty for non-violent drug offenses:

Why do people ignore all the horrible things going on in the world and instead bash America constantly? It's like some kind of fashion trend or sport or something. My god, doesn't it ever get old?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
the woman this is forsure the most fucked up. having her baby die and then be told shes sterile and cant have another one. i would fucking kill them. other countries stances on drugs are pretty crazy most by fire squad. that would suck big time! as for the pope thing. since there whole thing is pretty messed up and missed religion with government. of course they would say abstinence is a better way not to get aids than wearing a condom. that is what everyone learns atleast in the US. and im pretty sure that they are having pre marital sex in africa. or it wouldnt be as much of a problem. and isnt the pope against pre marital sex?
i think americans talk about america alot because it is all not what it seems. things arnt as open as other countries. other countries know they are getting sterilized. while we have no idea that we are getting poisoned by the foods we eat. and drug companies pay government to stay in business killing people. and if americans start worring about foriegn problems more then the government will be like this is what the people want. and might be the world police even more which alot of people are against. saying we should fix our problems first. its like when your own a plane you put your oxygen mask on before helping others. that is what the government needs to do get its self safe and good and then help others. but you cant fix a problem or someone unless they want to change.