USA fucks up again


Well-Known Member

so someone launches a failure and you stop helping people with food why? people are going to starve because of this. this is so wrong on too many levels. these people need help and we take it away because the country did something we have been doing for years. this is just more reason to help they spend money on a rocket which could have fed the people but we also make it worse by stopping. if you say im fucked up for posting this then your more fucked up and inhuman for saying this is a completely good idea

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Because they had the unfortunate luck of being born into a dictatorship. Sanctions would probably work better on democracies but I doubt they work much at all on totalitarian regimes. The soldiers, police and leadership don't starve.


Well-Known Member

We've got hungry people in Detroit, in D.C., and in a lot of other places in the country.

I'm not a big fan of helping out my neighbor when my own house is fooked.


Active Member
The NK people have been indoctrinated to hate your fucking guts, and you give them food. They hate you and everything you believe in, with vitriol and extreme prejudice.


Active Member
I'd be worried, because the NKs are saying it was a failure. The last many many failures they called a success. Its all doublespeak to manipulate.


Ursus marijanus
And they have thermocruciferous devices, the mad fools. Even Edward Teller shied away from weaponizing kimchee. cn


Active Member
cn's right... Back when they had their purported "nuclear" test underground, the way it is detected is by the shockwave it produces. Shortly before they had that, a whole train of Ammonium Nitrate detonated en route to some unknown mountain location...... They dug out a huge chamber, filled it with ANFO for months, and pretended it was nuclear to demand more respect.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
were in times of inversion. obama said change change change and nothing changed like he said. most of the time the president/ government does the opposite of what they say.
and i would be very iffy on the news you hear. the government/establishment and big business control it. they put out what they want to. not the real deal. independent reporters and non bias or non us news like rt is probably more accurate.


Well-Known Member
To the Original each their own but you are backwards thinking this big time. I think you need to look a little deeper into the issue before saying we've fucked up. IF.....IF North Korea could pull its head out of it's ass and start changing for the better.....then I'd say, "well hey. at least they're trying. Let's give them some help.". But in reality.......THE REAL WORLD.......They haven't. They won't. So fuck'em. If they perfect their technology, they're poised to be the official front runners to World War Three.


Ursus marijanus
Really?? The did that? Trouble is that the acoustic (seismic) pulse from a buttload of anfo would be very different from the sharp snap of a nuke. I cannot imagine anyone's intelligence community to be fooled by that. cn


Active Member
Also, the only way it could have been detonated (the train, that is) is if an operative sabotaged it so the world would know they're shipping trainloads of it to one place.


Active Member
Really?? The did that? Trouble is that the acoustic (seismic) pulse from a buttload of anfo would be very different from the sharp snap of a nuke. I cannot imagine anyone's intelligence community to be fooled by that. cn
No, of course not. But we're talking about the media. What the military wants us to think is another story.


Ursus marijanus
There is another, less likely scenario. Truly large quantities of ammonium nitrate can auto-detonate. Some of history's most impressive chemical explosions were ammonium nitrate whoopsies. Anfo will be touchier yet, in that weird stable-as-rock-99.99%-of-the-time manner peculiar to that compound. I wouldn't put it past the North Koreans to simply make a mistake in how it was mixed and stored, with the rest of the initiation provided by simple bad luck. Bwdik!! cn


Ursus marijanus
No, of course not. But we're talking about the media. What the military wants us to think is another story.
Ay, there's a rub. The media have the ability to retain experts ... at the expense of sensationalism. Makes being a science reporter a fairly tough job, I imagine. cn


Well-Known Member
To the Original each their own but you are backwards thinking this big time. I think you need to look a little deeper into the issue before saying we've fucked up. IF.....IF North Korea could pull its head out of it's ass and start changing for the better.....then I'd say, "well hey. at least they're trying. Let's give them some help.". But in reality.......THE REAL WORLD.......They haven't. They won't. So fuck'em. If they perfect their technology, they're poised to be the official front runners to World War Three.
the gov fucks up and the people get to suffer where the fuck is the logic in this???? please tell me. these people are born there and arnt allowed to leave nor do anything they want they are stuck in a really big hole and to make it worse the only ones who so called help or making it worse. i cant stand the USA just as much as the next guy but when something like this goes down it makes it even worse.