Was that before or after paying suicide bombers and their families?
Why don't you ask me yourself about CO2? Honestly can you wipe your ass yourself?
Hamas isn't the Palestinian Authority. PA governs the West Bank. Hamas governs the Gaza Strip. Do they all look the alike to you? Look at the title of the wiki you posted. Palestinian Authority Martyrs fund.
It being that you are ignorant of the situation, I'll fill you in. Israel is choking off Gaza from international trade by a blockade which it claims is necessary to keep Hamas from building up it's military. The situation in Gaza is deteriorating. Food, water, medicine, all things we take for granted are hard to come by for many in Gaza. Unemployment is 50%. Hamas or no Hamas, this area is a powder keg.
Hamas is pushing for peace talks and has recognized Israel's permanent status. The old charter was replaced with a new one that looks towards peace with Israel, not its destruction. The fence that is currently under dispute was set up at a border that Israel recognizes and nobody else. Hamas has called for peaceful unarmed demonstrations, which by and large is what is going on there. One can argue that throwing rocks and burning tires isn't exactly nonviolent. Still, the UN, the European Union and NGO rights groups are accusing Israel of using excessive force against unarmed civilians. World opinion is on the side of Hamas in this one.
Whether you side with Israel or side with Hamas on this, you have to admit that the fatalities are all on the Gaza side of this dispute. Civilized people simply don't order troops to open fire on unarmed civilians. Politically, Israel has lost in the eyes of the world. Before these actions, US opinion was on the side of Israel but this can't look good to people with moderate views. Israel has already lost the majority of liberals in this country. The only large contingent that strongly supports Israel regardless of what it does are evangelist protestants -- same people who voted for Trump.
A large breach next week followed by an Israeli action to massacre unarmed people that cross a unilaterally set border is terrible to contemplate.