US online bud


Well-Known Member
let see your going were orlando ??? lool go out on the strees look for ne black people yell soowwoo lol you get ya bud just play go walk around you fine some thing some black person gotta have bud
only trust peeps with dreads


Active Member
i had a real good hookup out of Seattle for about a year or so, then he disappeared and took my $750. I'm trying to hook up with someone in canada at the time being.


Well-Known Member
I know someone who has a low down site because of whats happening to budamil and such. He ran but that was also shut down. If anyone wants to hear about it add me on msn or reply me.....after I talk to you if your not skechty I guess you could say i'll send you his private email.....TOP WEED AND HASH STRAINS:)!
Yes, the guy is legit and has now gone quasi underground and is only taking new clients via referrals.


Well-Known Member
I know someone who has a low down site because of whats happening to budamil and such. He ran but that was also shut down. If anyone wants to hear about it add me on msn or reply me.....after I talk to you if your not skechty I guess you could say i'll send you his private email.....TOP WEED AND HASH STRAINS:)!
hi just reading your post there about mail order sounds good do they deliver to ireland if so let me no could i get in contact with u so we can speak about this cheers man