US House of Representatives = Disfunctional mess!


Well-Known Member
Most members of the House of Representatives come from hyperpartisan districts where they face essentially no threat of losing their seat to the other party — and have little incentive to work across party lines.:wall:

There are no 'swing districts' left, due to re-maping of the districts. It's only getting worse!:sad:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it would be a real shame to get something accomplished!
And to think, the House is almost half as inept and dysfunctional as the Senate. It's a food thing they have Reid & company to make them look good. Of course, when you have the Dems, the President and the MSM telling people otherwise, a certain number of cretins will fall for it.
Fire them all anyone that has been in office for more than four years needs to be fired half of them are in their 70s and older out of touch with the people to much greed in all of them. Their jobs should be just like ours if we dont like what you are doing or are not doing what the people want then your fired we will hold a vote and hire a new one and that damm shur goes for the prez. No one should have a job that does not do what the people want and get paid for the rest of their life no one else has a job like that Someone had to have been on drugs to make that up plus the dummys that let it happen.


Well-Known Member
Most members of the House of Representatives come from hyperpartisan districts where they face essentially no threat of losing their seat to the other party — and have little incentive to work across party lines.:wall: There are no 'swing districts' left, due to re-maping of the districts. It's only getting worse!:sad:
Gerrymandering is nothing new. The media only publicizes it now because it no longer is as favorable to their chosen party.


Well-Known Member
Fire them all anyone that has been in office for more than four years needs to be fired half of them are in their 70s and older out of touch with the people to much greed in all of them. Their jobs should be just like ours if we dont like what you are doing or are not doing what the people want then your fired we will hold a vote and hire a new one and that damm shur goes for the prez. No one should have a job that does not do what the people want and get paid for the rest of their life no one else has a job like that Someone had to have been on drugs to make that up plus the dummys that let it happen.
We have the opportunity to "fire" them at every election, but seldom do. Excessive alcohol consumption was common in the 1770's


Well-Known Member
It's all political. Politically you gain nothing by voting against a tax increase, but you gain everything by voting for a tax cut. Which by the way is smart for conservatives because the forced cuts will take effect and they can put forth a tax cut that democrats will just about be forced to support


Well-Known Member
Looks like Nancy Pelosi is back in charge in the House. She has more votes from her minority caucus than Boehner does with the Majority. The Dems are unified & can gleen enough Republican votes to get things passed. The Republicans are all rebellious & have abandoned their leader, they can't agree on anything!
If the Republicans can quit obstructing everything for just a minute, Pelosi & the Dem's can pull this out in time.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Nancy Pelosi is back in charge in the House. She has more votes from her minority caucus than Boehner does with the Majority. The Dems are unified & can gleen enough Republican votes to get things passed. The Republicans are all rebellious & have abandoned their leader, they can't agree on anything!
If the Republicans can quit obstructing everything for just a minute, Pelosi & the Dem's can pull this out in time.
And gee, won't that be grand? We can raise taxes on the well-off, not make any substantial spending cuts and still be facing a shiny new debt ceiling emergency. We can raise it again, still not make any spending cuts and be right back where we are in one to two years.

Yeah, I sure hope they can get this handled. Do you even have the capacity for rational thought? You're worried about an "imaginary" fiscal cliff while we're going over a "real" fiscal cliff, Thelma and Louise style.


Well-Known Member
Most members of the House of Representatives come from hyperpartisan districts where they face essentially no threat of losing their seat to the other party — and have little incentive to work across party lines.:wall:

There are no 'swing districts' left, due to re-maping of the districts. It's only getting worse!:sad:
Sounds like the Republicrates to me. Or did you mean the Democans?

BTW, the real cliff is about jacking heathcare. Imagine that?

Medicare Doctors get a 27% pay cut, starting tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
The Pentagon is sending out 800,000 termination notices to civilian contractors. How many employees does each contractor have? Next month's unemployment rate will be over 10%


Well-Known Member
The Pentagon is sending out 800,000 termination notices to civilian contractors. How many employees does each contractor have? Next month's unemployment rate will be over 10%
just gonna go ahead and quote this so you can see how wrong you are.


Well-Known Member
Tommorrow the house reconvenes
tax cuts for all those under 450k stay cut the rest goes up
Republicans claim they cut taxes

End of story


Well-Known Member
Thank god...or it would be "Democrats run amok"...
While the founders saw political parties as a problem, we have them. We have a car where the dems are in control of the accelerator and the repubs in charge of the break. I don't want a car that is incapable of going forward but I don't want a car that is incapable of slowing down. In our present situation we need both reasonable dems and reasonable republicans.

We so far have dems that by comparison to repubs look reasonable and we have republicans who by comparison to dems look insane.

Time to keep scorecards other than those managed by the NRA and Grover Nordquist. We need to keep score of how well these "representatives" actually represent.


Well-Known Member
Strange how Obama's "Sequestration" plan is now the fault of Republicans. You really need to pay more attention instead of blindly sucking up every piece of shit the DNC throws at you.

Please show us how Obama singlehandedly engineered sequestration.