happend to me once my friend that works for the post office said all it is, is a letter nothing bad will happen no dea is informed unless its bud then they will make you sign for it and as soon as your done cops come out of nowhere and your fucked i would just be careful maybe order from a diff place god luck don't stress
Hey sick stoner I would like to message you about this custom thing I just got a couple questions. But how can I message you I'm new to the board lol thanks!happend to me once my friend that works for the post office said all it is, is a letter nothing bad will happen no dea is informed unless its bud then they will make you sign for it and as soon as your done cops come out of nowhere and your fucked i would just be careful maybe order from a diff place god luck don't stress
Hey sick stoner I would like to message you about this custom thing I just got a couple questions. But how can I message you I'm new to the board lol thanks!
I've stated this in previous posts.. The u.s customs does not, I repeat, does not have the right to confiscate the seeds ,as the possession of seeds is not illegal.
Whether you can bring it across the border or not is another story, they may have policies in place that make that illegal. Heres an idea: do a bing search and find it out.really ? I did not know this...So if I go over to Canada, and buy some seeds, it's ok to bring them over the border and back here into the states ?
LOL who sends their seeds by Fed Ex...I'm legitimately curiousUS customs confiscated $150 of my seeds from The Netherlands. Opened at Memphis FedEx on April 4 2021 . BEWARE
My package from attitude got ate up by the United States Finest. Ooooo. King pen here. There was 9 seeds in the orderNothing further will happen, but i have heard of some packages being snagged by the feds. Sorry you had to be one to get the dreaded letter instead of seeds.
Bummer. It is still a risk when dealing with non-us seed banks.03/04/2024
Attitude seeds shipment confiscated by. US Customs & Border control. Wow. 9 beans gone so the enjoy uncle sam
My package from attitude got ate up by the United States Finest. Ooooo. King pen here. There was 9 seeds in the order