Urinalysis... sigh... any advice?


Well-Known Member
I've always taken clean piss. Sometimes its hard to find it, but one way or another thats my go too as it should be a gaurentee even if it was a UA. Hand warmers do a good job of keeping it warm on the way, then I stick it in my boxers and its pretty warm in there. Sounds like this method should work for ya.


Well-Known Member
I already know of 2 other guys taking "clean" urine in a cup or some other device, so if they go before me and get caught I'd rather be able to whip my little guy out loud and proud for whoever cares to meat-gaze. If there's one thing I've learned in life, I WILL be the guy they catch doing shady shit... guess I'm a bad lier/criminal... It's the first one my company has given in the 6 years I been there, so I don't quite know how tight they'll watch either. I suppose after this week sometime I'll have a better idea of what's going on, but I still think I'll be careful for the next few months in case of a re-test as well.

No matter, room is just about to flip, so I got about 3 months before things cure anyways. Just keep me from raping those lower buds for samplers ;-) Be waiting on Agent Orange, Bubblegummer and Grandoggy Purps!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
this is awesome. right on dtowndabber. I'd rep you if I could but I gotta spread the love. I got one on hold for you though bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well, here starts the week of early mornings... :wall:

Not sure which day it will actually be, so gonna keep clearing out till it happens. I'll be sure to report back once it does. Again, thanks for all the support so far! Funny how their drug test has caused me to be MORE active on a marijuana website... so much for the desired results, huh?


Active Member
the synthetic piss usually comes with temp gauge on it, hand warmers work fine or warm up a little bit of water on stove to about 100 degrees and let it sit in there for a bit to get a couple degrees over normal depending on how far you have to drive.


Well-Known Member
I've had success with masking agents and I have also had the very same product fail me. I would order some fake urine if I was you, its not that expensive vs the costs of losing your job. You can drink all the water you want but it comes down to how fast your body metabolizes.


Well-Known Member
Some tests will show that the sample is diluted as well and the company may force you take another test. This happened to a friend of mine, howevver his second test came back diluted as well and that company doesn't count a dilute as a fail. My old company on the contrary would classify a dilute as a fail, which is another reason I prefer taking clean pee. By friend that had the double dilute just explained to them that he works out alot and basically only drinks water all the time not much they could argue.


Well-Known Member
If you smoke herb, and you have a really good job that drug tests you, buy a whizzinator.

Just smash your ego and buy the fake penis. I've seen them in person, and they are literally life-like. I have a good friend that was on court drug-testing, where an officer stands behind you to watch you pee, in a room surrounded by mirrors so they can see everything. It worked like a charm every time for him. It keeps the urine warm for a good length of time also. I plan on purchasing one if I need to apply for a salary job after finishing my degree....

If you don't trust synthetic urine (which I wouldn't), ask one of your close friends that doesn't smoke to borrow their pee. You might get a funny look, but it is totally worth it, and totally authentic!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bama for the advice, had someone locally get busted for microwaving one of those at the 7-11 convenience store to warm it up! :lol: They THOUGHT it was real and reported it on the news then came out like 3 days later and were like... it was a wizzinator... LMFAO!

So after about 15 pisses this morning/afternoon and a bit of stress, I found out they're apparently going to be randomly emailing us the day before about an outsourced appointment we'll have to go to somewhere like Quest Diagnostics or something that actually does the testing... So hopefully this means the following:

1 - I have just a bit more time to clear out before my turn
2 - I'll have an exact time that the test will be done rather than a random time on a random day
3 - I can blow the appointment if necessary as I don't check my damn email like a slave like the bosses do

I'm somewhere between the bottom and the top at work, so I discreetly asked management and some of them didn't even know about the testing... Is a family company and one of the family members put it out to 3 or 4 people on a saturday... My thoughts today are that they know a few of us like to puff and they'd rather not look like shit in the tester's/public's eyes, and have like 4 or 5 people bomb the same day. Thinking it was a slight 'heads up' to get clean.

Thank you to everyone here, and I'll keep these tricks in mind! Nothing like love and support from total strangers baby! Better than my famn damily sometimes ;-)

Astral Zoom

Active Member
go to the super market and get niacin pills and pop those bitches like candy. its a natural detox / system cleaner. But be warned you WILL feel it, skin will get red and blotchy and youll look terrible but It works, do that and cranberry or green tea and exercise, youll be clean in no time


Well-Known Member
thanking the OP for this thread, this is important stuff and those that share should get some respect for taking that time and effort
you can see this company does not want some large number of positive tests, too many and it's a disaster for the company as well as the employees that get fingered


Well-Known Member
go to the super market and get niacin pills and pop those bitches like candy. its a natural detox / system cleaner. But be warned you WILL feel it, skin will get red and blotchy and youll look terrible but It works, do that and cranberry or green tea and exercise, youll be clean in no time
They make them flush free now. No more red itchy skin. This way is also been good to me. But was before I discovered the pectin.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I think I'd still rather carry some synthetic urine or friends urine in my pocket than to put stuff in my body day after day until I get tested.


Active Member
I think I'd still rather carry some synthetic urine or friends urine in my pocket than to put stuff in my body day after day until I get tested.
I'm the same way, tried a masking drink once and they just removed what was masking it within my urine and found the thc levels. Safer when you know the piss is clean for sure.

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
synthetic urine is a good option. The wizzinator is another good one. Just make sure you buy the right color. lol

One other option is ammonia (PH of 2). Most testing places use the test strips,(litmus test) by adding some ammonia to the sample after you pee, like in an easy to conseal eye dropper in your pocket or in your pants, you just spray half the ammonia out of the eye drop bottle into the sample. It will lower the PH of the sample so much that it will test negative for everything. And it will also smell correct (like asperagus, lol) and not change the temperature if left in your pocket.

I can tell you 18 days with plenty of water and Echinacea pills for 5 days will work also. Echinacea helps clear your kidneys. Ammonia is the fastest and easist way to do it. And you can buy it at most food stores. Just make sure you never drink it or use the eye dropper for your eyes.
Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
I am all for just drinking straight water once you've drank so much it travels through your system so fast it doesn't have time to pick up the thc that's in your system. i could literly smoke the day of my test and still pass. you have to drink at least a gallon and a half of water for it to pass right through your system. It would be so clear most places will fail you for your urine not having color. That's were vitamin B-complex comes into play, it has the ability to turn your urine back yellow even though your pee is actualy straight water. just. drink a gallon and a half of water and take 4 of the B-comples and your good to go you need to do it about 4 hours before your test but i done this technique for 18 months every two weeks and never failed and this was federal. probation. it works