Urgent! Taproots popped out while germinating in water


Active Member
Ok, big stupid move on my part. But I put about 7 seeds in a cup of water last night to germinate full-well knowing I wasn't going to be able to check them until now. Anyway, 6 of 7 have tap roots already showing and I only planned on planting 2-3. Why did I do this? I have no idea, just stoned, tired and not thinking clearly I suppose.

Can I freeze the rest, dry the rest, save the rest somehow, or do I need to plant them all in order to save them?

Thanks! You can smack me if you want haha!


Well-Known Member
IMO opinion In a case like this, if i put out 6-7 seeds i would nromaly only expect to keep 3 of them, maybe 4. This is a good thing. you're leaving yourself room to fuck up and fix, plus you're bound to have a few runts so ween them out.


Active Member
IMO opinion In a case like this, if i put out 6-7 seeds i would nromaly only expect to keep 3 of them, maybe 4. This is a good thing. you're leaving yourself room to fuck up and fix, plus you're bound to have a few runts so ween them out.
Yes, well if this were a fresh grow, I would completely agree. However, I have 2 plants flowering, 3 plants vegging, and 6 new clones. 3 of the clones I just trashed to make room for the new seedlings. So I really don't have room for 6 new plants, only 3. :(


Active Member
btw, I love your pic. I'm a huge Henson fan. I have a half sleeve tattoo of The Dark Crystal ^_^


Well-Known Member
Are these fem seeds? if not , there you go. Guarantee some are gonna be male. All that left to do is make just a little room till they show sex.


Active Member
Are these fem seeds? if not , there you go. Guarantee some are gonna be male. All that left to do is make just a little room till they show sex.

Nope, they're not fem. So yeah, it's good for that. It's gonna get very crowded in my closet haha! Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure something out 8)

Anyway, I can recite every line of Labyrinth without even watching the movie--I love it so much. One of the best movies ever made. Whenever I get some money, that's going to be my next half sleeve :D


Well-Known Member
Nope, they're not fem. So yeah, it's good for that. It's gonna get very crowded in my closet haha! Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure something out 8)

Anyway, I can recite every line of Labyrinth without even watching the movie--I love it so much. One of the best movies ever made. Whenever I get some money, that's going to be my next half sleeve :D
Yes. my fiance is on here and her avatar is sarah loL i was looking for a better picture of the worm but can't find any:cry: and here i thought the internet had everything. worng!!:cry::neutral:


Active Member
I think that's an awesome pic of the worm. There aren't many good shots of him in the movie anyhow. Yeah, now that you mention it, I've seen your fiancé's avatar too. That's awesome! Haha. Wait a sec, isn't there someone on here with a Ludo avatar? Is that like ur next door neighbor or something? LOL

Anyway, got all my seeds planted. I would've had to trash 5 clones total to make room, but I can't part with them yet 8( So I stacked the clones on the potted plants until I could figure out what to do with them. Wish I knew someone who could take the clones. I feel so bad killing any viable plant that's not male.


Well-Known Member
hell go plant them out side shoot. ? why kill ladys just to make room for what could be mostly male?


Active Member
hell go plant them out side shoot. ? why kill ladys just to make room for what could be mostly male?
Couple reasons:

1. I'm going from White Satin to White Russian

2. I still have plenty of cloneable branches on my existing ladies.

I'd rather have more of the White Russian than the White Satin. So, throwing out a few girls at the risk of replacing them with males is no big deal because I can toss the males and replace them with more clones. Problem solved.